Book Drive
Saturday, December 31, 2011
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

AlhumduliLlah, we are given another opportunity to help others.

This project is to collect much needed books for an orphanage in Zambia, Africa.
It's a project that's very close to my heart because it's located in an area where I grew up, because I love children, and because my uncle is the one running this orphanage. Although he's busy, and not very tech-savvy (okay, no at all), I'm determined to help as much as I can from my end (Canada).. and insha'Allah I hope you'll join me.

Details of project: Collect NEW and USED books.
Islamic and secular books in all subjects. Ages 5 years old to College students.
Suggestions: Arts and Crafts, Trades, Math, Sciences, English, Arabic, Mechanics, Computers (current).

Book drive in YOUR area? The books will be shipped from Capitol Heights, Maryland. If you are able to collect books in your area and ship them either to Maryland (U.S.A), Toronto (Canada), or Zambia (Africa) please let us know, so I we can direct people to the closest contact.

How they will be delivered: Shipped from Maryland (U.S.A.) -
Accepting cash donations for shipping costs.

U.S.A. (Maryland):
Atten: Book Drive
1 Chamber Avenue
Capitol Heights, MD 20743


Canadian (Ontario):
Areas you can drop books off: Mississauga, Markham, Durham Region

U.K. (London):
Smart Ark Ltd
PO Box 61244
London N17 1AZ

Africa (Zambia):
Makeni Institute Trust
P.O. Box 31721
Lusaka, Zambia

CUT OFF DATE for all books is March 1st, 2012
Please come together even if it's one book and donate to a worthy cause. Knowledge is a great gift, so please donate with good intentions!!

Makeni Institute Trust is a registered charitable organization: 7000000726808

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posted by Sketched Soul at 12:47 PM | Permalink 0 comments
Thursday, December 29, 2011
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh

The year is almost ending, and I've done a wonderful job of not keeping my blog up to date *lowers my head in shame*.. insha'Allah I'm hoping 2012 will be much better. I have a project on the way, and new tutorials and recipes I'd like to share, as well as more swapsssss! *everyone loves those*

Fortunately my sewing streak is still going - I've even surprised myself, usually it's off to the next project after a week. Here is a skirt I made. I've actually made a few in different colours but more or less the same style.

The front says "Sisterhood" in Arabic, this is my design and hand painted on by me. The back has it written in English. Would you have put a different word?

Please give me some feedback. Positive or negative (but constructive).


posted by Sketched Soul at 3:53 PM | Permalink 5 comments
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