
Thursday, January 11, 2007

My Cupcake Creation

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

This must be the first time I am so ahead of getting my swap package together.. it could be because I was so eager to get my ideas rolling. After narrowing it down.. I decided to make a bag for my wonderful swap partner. It's a little difficult making something for someone you have absolutely no knowledge about. Insha'Allah I hope she likes it.

For the cupcake pic on the bag, I first drew out some ideas, then stencilled on the one I liked. Insha'Allah I would like to do a tutorial in the future so others can take a try at stencilling, the easy way. I am very happy with the results, and had a blast making it, so I'm thinking of maybe sewing a few more to sell with the cupcake pic or similar.

The rest of my package includes:
:: A blank handmade card.. that was also just as fun, don't be surprised if you see more posted, one of these days
:: A recipe for some Vanilla Fairy Cakes, insha'Allah I shall also post that recipe up one day

How is everyones cupcake creations coming along??

Please remember to email me a picture of it before you mail it out, so I can put them all together in one photo album for everyone to check out, also let me know if it is okay to add your blog name (and link)/or name to your pic.


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I have almost everything together now... I just have to sit down and finish my hand made item and package it up. Love the bag you made! It is awesome!

  2. oh oh oh oh.....! I didn't realize we could share before we send it. I really want to know someones opinion about something i made and want to send. I love it just hope they do too. I am done with my package too...just questioning one thing i am sending. I'm going to post it on my blog for opinions...that's okay then?

  3. PS. Love your package!

    PS2...Sorry in my excitement i missed out on saying Salaams!

  4. Salaam,

    I like the bag. I was so excited with working on this. I found a couple things on the net that I wanted to make. I've had them done for a couple of weeks. They have been sitting in my cedar chest, safe from my little boys. I have to go out to do things tomorrow. I just need to get a box and drop it off at the post office. I will take a picture today, after the oldest is at school and the other two are napping.

  5. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dear sisters,

    Jazak'Allah for the update on your progress and the feedback.

    Wayfarer, I figured if the person didn't know who they are receiving from.. it doesn't matter if we post it or not (I suppose, it may be a little of a tease).. :) I would love to see what you are upto, insha'Allah I shall check your blog and comment.


  6. :-) Salaams sis. I agree. I posted my goods. Please do let me know what you think!

  7. Assalaamu'alaykum wa rahmatu Allah my dear

    Awesome bag! :) Masha'Allah.

    The great thing about it though, (apart from the neat, professional, tailored finish *ahem*) is that it's entirely your design (with cute hearts..I mean.. cross bones ;o) and everything..hehe).

    I really like it! But you already know that ;o).

  8. Assalaamu alaikum

    I LOVE the purse. Another great idea. I have plenty of plain purses lying around, and stencilling'd personalize them. Thanks for the idea.

    By the way, I tagged you [Ten things that define your style]

  9. Salaams sis. Oh wow, I didn't realize you also made the purse. MashAllah...very talented!

  10. wow...ur cupcakes stuff is soo cool.....the challah recipe is in a book called "The Jewish Holiday Kitchen" by Joan Nathan...its a great book....

  11. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dear sisters,

    Jazak'Allah for all the comments.

    Wayfarer, masha'Allah your swap gift is wonderful. As is sister Survivings. Yes I made the purse.. one day, insha'Allah I hope to perfect this purse making art! hehe

    Farzeen, jazak'Allah for the wonderful comments as usual. Insha'Allah one of these fine days I am going to make YOU your very own bag.

    [a], Jazak'Allah :) and that is a great idea! to stencil on plain bags. If you try it out..let me know! Insha'Allah I shall check out your blog to see what I'm tagged for.

    Rachel, thank you! As soon as other sisters send in their cupcake pics, have a look. So many creative people, masha'Allah. Maybe you can join us for a future swap :) I checked on the challah recipe in one of the books I have, and found it!! Is it made only on holidays/special occasions?? I'll let you know how it goes once I try it.


  12. Salaam Sis, and wow! Masha'allah, who ever you got as your partners has got it made, masha'allah!

    Yikes! You gals are on the ball, masha'allah. I got my idea in my head, but now to actually do it insha'allah. Once all these people leave my house maybe, heh.

    Alhamdulillah for the Jan 31 deadline! : )

  13. Salam Alaykum!
    You never cease to amaze me! That bag is... KILLER!

  14. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dear sisters,

    Muslima Wife, jazak'Allah for the comments.. insha'Allah I pray my partner likes it. Still full house at your end huh..I hope you are having a blast. Thank you for letting me know your progress, you still have lots of time, insha'Allah :)

    Um Mahtab, jazak'Allah my dear sister :) How is your creating going? After your last swap (masha'Allah), I can't wait to see what you made.


  15. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Salaam 'alaykum dear!

    Masha-Allah that's amazing! The bar just got set even higher :)

    I have some of my things in place but have been feeling a little stumped too so this is inspiring.

    Insha-Allah will get it all together this weekend!


  16. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister Baraka :)

    Jazak'Allah for the lovely comments. It's always nice to have your drop by.

    I am happy you found some inspiration in this. Check out the album of what other sisters have been busy working on. Masha'Allah!!

    Look forward to seeing what you made.


  17. I've sent mine off. :-D

  18. As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dear sister Wayfarer,

    Jazak'Allah for letting me know :)


  19. Salam sis. Love your beg! It got that cosy-girlish feeling to it! If ure selling it, please do tell me..

  20. As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dear sister Elyn

    Jazak'Allah for the comments and for dropping by :)

    I haven't made any yet.. but if you are interested, let me know what colour and if you what the same 'cupcake' pic on.. or a different one, etc. You can email me are ( insha'Allah.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


  21. Anonymous12:33 PM

    As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu Sister Amira

    Jazakallah sooooo much 1st of all... I received the package you sent today, Masha Allah everything is soo beautiful, I am surely baking cakes tomorrow, I have relatives coming over on sunday, going to show off the cake stand its awesome I love it my sis my mum they all love it, I have a reason to bake.... and I am going to use one of the recipe you sent.

    The set of hand made cupcake cards I will make use of it also, they are brilliant, I will give a tea party in summer insha Allah call my girl friends over, I'l be a bit posh and send them an invitation haha, Stickers/sprinkles/cupcake paper that all soo cool, I will make use of everything, jazakallah once again, may Allah give you Barkat, and reward you Aamen.



  22. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister Asma,


    I am soo happy you liked your wonderful package. AlhumduliLlah.

