
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lil' Balla Cookies

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barkatuhu

Sugar cookies and kids go hand-in-hand. They love to help make and decorate them just as much as they love to eat them. I made these for my nephew Abdullah, who at the age of three is already a big basketball fan.

The dough works best refrigerated for about two hours, so it's a dough you can make way ahead, and when the kids run out of things to do, you can bring it out and start creating!

I'd love to hear from anyone who gives this recipe a try; what shapes, or interesting decorating you did,... share, share, share your ideas.

Note: Black food colour generally (used here to outline the basketball) does not actually show up as black. It looks more like a very dark blue. But kids are forgiving (masha'Allah), they'll even tell you it's green if you so want it to be green.

Makes: approximately 30-35 cookies - depends on the shape and thickness of cookie

3 cups (24oz/681.6g) flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup (8oz/16 tblsp) butter - softened
1 1/4 cups (10oz/284g) sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence

:: Mix flour, baking powder, and salt together.
:: Beat butter and sugar with electric mixer, until light and fluffy.
:: Add in eggs and vanilla, beat together.
:: Stir in dry mixture.
:: Form dough into 3 balls, wrap in plastic wrap, chill in fridge.
:: Pre-heat oven at 375°F (190°C).
:: Line baking trays with parchment paper.
:: Roll out dough on floured surface to about 1/4" thickness.
:: Cut in desired shape.
:: Optional: sprinkle coloured sugar on or leave plain and decorate after it's baked.
:: Bake for 7-10 minutes (until lightly brown)
:: Cool on tray for 5 minutes before removing.
:: Once completely cooled, decorate!!

1 1/2 cup (12oz/341g) icing sugar
2 tblsp butter - softened
1-2 tblsp water
food colour

:: Mix together until spreadable consistency, you may need more milk.
:: For chocolate frosting, add cocoa, leave out food colour, and add more milk as needed.
:: Decoration ideas: colour sugar, candy pieces, chips, coconut, nuts, raisins and jam.
Note: I don't know if this is enough frosting for the above recipe, you may need more depending on how you are decorating the cookies.


  1. Assalaamu'alaykum

    Simply delicious! I probably ate that one there too ..hehe.

    Thanks for another lovely receipe :)

  2. Yummy! A perfect treat during the playoffs that hubby is oh-so-glued to :-\

  3. cute! i'm going to try these once i move. :-)

  4. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Assalaamu'alykum wa Rahmatullah

    mashaAllah dear sis, great blog with great ideas, alhamdhulillah i can sew and love making jilbabs and khimars, i also like to make bags too though i dont often, but i wanted to make a bag for my folders, i can never find one that is right for me so i thought id make it, what sort of material is good for that? and what designs are best? any templates?

    i like the stuff you got baking too inshaAllah hope to give them a try with my 2 neices though i dont have the patience for baking it never goes right lol.

    Barak Allah feeki


  5. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters,

    Jazak'Allah for leaving your comments.

    Farzeen: hehe.. it was either you or me :) *I think I should make another batch soon, insha'Allah*

    Muslim Wife: Are guys really aware of what they are eating while watching any sports game?? Maybe you should enjoy the treat by yourself! *eat one for me*

    Wayfarer: I look forward to hearing how it goes (the cookies and your moving).. I hope you are moving to Canada :)

    Path To Jannah: Jazak'Allah for dropping by, I love your blog! Masha'Allah (sorry I haven't had time to comment there..but I read) How old are your neices? They could help you bake if anything goes wrong, it'll be a group error..hehe :)
    Masha' sew! This is great..I know who to bug now when I get stuck, insha'Allah. Interesting, I just make a bag for my sister to fit her folders! I really should have taken pics of the process. Thicker material.. although some of the pretty fabric isn't that thick, so I now line all my bags with canvas (so it's outter fabric, canvas, then inner lining), this way they stay nice and sturdy. I suppose the designs depend on what size bag, and what you are comfortable. (ie: some people don't like totes, etc.) Templates: Insha'Allah as soon as I get some time, I'll try making a tutorial of the bag I made for my sister. (This might take a while though.. like after May, because things are a little hectic at the moment).

    Love Farhana

  6. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Assalamu'alykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh

    dear sis jazaki Allah khayr for your reply, i check your blog but didnt comment until i saw the bag and i was like..wait...iv been wanting to make one so should be handy. i actually made one it turned out ok but the material was stretchy so whatever i put in the shape would show lol unless it was just folders which never is the case. il give canvas a try and you'r right pretty material is too thin.

    il actually be bugging you more coz i only sew simple jilbabs and if i have the patience for nitty gritty details il put bit more detail other than that iv not tried the cool stuff you have like baking, croquet etc mashaAllah.

    my neices have just turned 6 and 7 but they always bug me to do stuff with them but im always busy with study that i dont get a chance but inshaAllah hope to during summer holidays inshaAllah.

    hope to see more great stuff coming on your blog inshaAllah

    take care

  7. Assalaamu alaikum. Long time since I've visited this blog!

    I HEART this idea. Basketball's my fave sport anyway, and cookies my fave snack...what a great combo!

    It's really cute!!

  8. As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters,

    Jazak'Allah for the comments. I am sooo sorry for the delayed response..I am so out of the loop these days.

    Path to Jannah: I can definitely see how stretchy material could make things a little difficult :) but we can get better without making mistakes, so insha'Allah your next bag turns out wonderful. Please keep my up dated on your sewing :)

    I just made magnets with the Sunday school kids..I'll post a recipe and instructions, I think it would be something your and your neices can do..and have fun with!, insha'Allah.

    [a}: Sooooo nice to see you! I am happy to hear you 'heart' this idea. But ya know.. the best part of the whole thing..was the eating part :) *so even if you can get someone else to make's worth it..hehe*

    Love Farhana

  9. I will have to try these cookies, insha'allah. My son loves basketball, too! Oh, and my daughter. :0)

  10. As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister Robyn,

    Insha'Allah I hope you get to try them out! They are a big hit with basketball fans :)

    Please let me know how it goes, if you get around to making them.

    Wa'alaykum as-salaam
    Love Farhana
