
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Butterfly Cupcakes

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

I don't know if pictures are really necessary to explain how to make these cute little Butterfly Cupcakes, it's not very complicated but here they are. I made these to sell at our cupcake sale not very long ago, to raise funds for the school in Thailand. Not only were they a big hit with the children... adults loved them too, someone even asked if I'm a pastry chef! Ha.. ! (wouldn't that be nice) what a lovely compliment. AlhumduliLlah.

Insha'Allah I hope you have just as much fun making them as you would eating them.

I'm including a (very easy) recipe, although you can make these using any 'perfect' cupcake. What is a perfect cupcake you ask?... it has to have a rounded top! (above the paper liner)

Makes 12

1 3/4 cup (14oz/397.6g) flour
1 cup (8oz/16 tblsp/227g) sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg
1 cup (8oz/237ml) milk
1/3 cup (3oz/79ml) oil
1 tsp vanilla essence
optional: pink food colour
Strawberry Jam

:: Pre-heat oven at 350°F (180°C) degrees.
:: Line 12 (regular size) muffin tin with paper liners.
:: Combine, flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a bowl.
:: In a separate bowl whisk together, egg, milk, oil, vanilla, colour.
:: Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients and mix with wooden spoon so everything is combined well.
:: Fill liners 1/4 full, then drop a tsp of jam on, and top with more batter. (Divide batter evenly between liners.
:: Bake for approximately 25 minutes. Insert a toothpick in the center of cupcake, if it comes out clean (free from batter) then they are done.
:: Cool.
:: Make frosting and get creating! (I have not provided a recipe for that).. any butter frosting would do, and depending on how you decorate you may need more or less.

Cut the top of your 'perfect' cupcake. Just above the cupcake liner.

Frost the top of the cupcake. Make sure you have a lot of frosting in the center, because you'll need to stick the wings in.

With the 'perfect' top, cut that in half. Frost as desired. These will be the wings.. so make it colourful and full of different candies.

Now you assemble it all. Push the wings into the center, lifting the edges up, you may need to add some frosting under to hold them up slightly. Then add your halal licorice antennas. And voila.. you are done! Ready to eat!

Anyone who makes these.. please show me some pictures! I'd love to see how they turn out. And if you are not planning on making them (tsk, tsk).. I still look forward to any ideas you may have to decorate them.


  1. Very cute! I got a pan with little bug shaped cakes this year and everyone got a kick out of them. This is nice because no pan needed!

  2. I can't wait to make them.. and I'll definitely take pictures. I'm sure my 19-yr old brother is going to go gagas over them :D

    You're very talented, mashallah :)

  3. Anonymous10:47 PM

    very nice... i will try them out insha'Allah

  4. Anonymous11:01 PM

    hey! the more and more i read your blog, the more and more i like it!
    keep it up!!

  5. Oh, those are so cute! I'll have to add this to my fun thing to bake list, especially since the kids saw a caterpillar the other day an I told them it turns into a butterfly. Oh, maybe we can do it as a treat during Ramadan.

  6. As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters,

    Oooh.. so many comments in one day!

    Ummlayla, a pleasure to see you always. A bug shaped pan sounds very interesting! Is it for individual cakes (like cupcakes) or a whole cake??

    Humairah, jazak'Allah. Haha..insha'Allah he enjoys them. I'd love to see pics :)

    Husna, jazak'Allah for dropping by my end, much appreciated. I am happy to hear your like my blog, alhumduliLlah.

    Robyn, wonderful to see you here. Interesting enough, I was just explaining the world of caterpillars to my nephews not very long ago when they saw one. If you are interested in making a caterpiller instead (or to start of with).. make a cake using a shallow bundt pan. Cut the cake in half, join (with frosting) the bottom of the correct "C" to the top of the backwards "C", so you should get a "S" shape. Frost that with some bright green frosting, and add on other candy details to create your caterpillar. Or get them to add the details. I look forward to hearing about your baking adventure, insha'Allah.

    Wa'alaykum as-salaam
    Love Farhana

  7. Assalamualaykum

    Baking :-D My lost love ... The seperation was caused by a mother who was tired of having her kitchen invaded!

    I've tried these and I make them for kids parties at madrassah, they love them.

    Oh yea, I went to buy some craft stuff from the pound store ($ store) and i came across a kit for making those magnets, saves me makin the dough and you get awesome moulds too, all for £1 !!

    I'm loving your blog, keep it up Masha'Allah

    Duas Requested

  8. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Very nice masha'Allah.

  9. so cute mashAllah!

  10. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters,

    Radiant Light, insha'Allah you can resurrect your love for baking, it is very fun, especially when you can be creative with it.

    Yes I've seen the kit for making magnets, but you can use this dough recipe to make a lot more, like a clock, bowls, center pieces, etc. But you are right, sometimes it is cheaper and easier to just by the ready made stuff.

    Ramadan, jazak'Allah for dropping by and leaving your wonderful comments, I hope I get to see more of you.

    Wayfarer.. so, so wonderful to see you here! :) Jazak'Allah.

    Wa'alaykum as-salaam
    Love Farhana
