
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

My Accessory Swap answers

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

Well here it is... my answers for the Accessorize My Hobby Swap! Insha'Allah this swap goes as well as the Cupcake one. All the sister did such an amazing job with the Cupcake Swap, the creativity, and giving was just flowing! People are still commenting in the Cupcake Album!

Four of my favourite hobbies/interests: Humm.. to narrow my list to four 'favourites' was surprisingly quite a task!

  • Knitting/Crocheting,
  • Sewing,
  • International Cooking,
  • Reading Islamic Literature

  • The best part of my hobby is:
    Knitting/Crocheting is the challenge.. love it! Sewing is waiting to see the final result. International Cooking, well..the eating for sure, but trying out new things and learning about different cultures. Reading Islamic Literature, the joy of knowledge..there isn't any way to explain it.

    My favourite colour is: Green and Burnt orange.. I do love all colours though!

    A new hobby/interest I've just taken up: Teaching Children and Reflective Art Journaling

    The hobby/interest I hope my swap partner will choose: The one she can have fun and be most creative with!

    A hobby I've tried but hate: It would have to be writing! I'm sure my blood pressure goes up every time I have to write something..urgh But I do admire those that can, masha'Allah. Yah I know, why does someone who doesn't like writing have a blog! (I get by..hehe) Ironically..I would like to write a book one day.. haha (insha'Allah)

    Creativity to me, means: Being able to see the beauty in all things. (ie: from the material to the masterpiece, it's all beautiful.. AlhumduliLlah)

    What I think of my purse not matching my shoes: Hehe.. well, no.. but I have a favourite bag which is army/camouflage print and my favourite shoes are black boots... so they already match, but I don't know if it goes with the rest of my clothes!... does it matter? I like them!

    Insha'Allah that helps my swap partner. The best part of a swap for knowing you have fun with it! So get creating!


    1. salaams

      Oh i wish i had gotten here in time for this...this is why i need to stay on top of my email isn't it? :-) Enjoy the swap. Can't wait till the next one. Are you going to do an eid one?

    2. As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister Wayfarer,

      Aw, I would have loved to have you join us for this one, but I know how busy you are. Insha'Allah this next one.

      I'm counting this one as the Eid swap, but insha'Allah will have one after Eid or maybe something fun.. like a contest.

      I shall keep you posted.

      Wa'alaykum as-salaam
      Love Farhana
