
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Islam in South America

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

Very few of us will surprised to learn that as Muslims we have a responsibility to convey the message of Islam to non-Muslims and invite them to Allah. Are we really fulfilling that duty?

With this great responsibility comes a great reward, insha'Allah.

"Whoever guides someone towards good, will receive the reward of the one who acts upon it." [Muslim]

This means, if a person is converted through the dawah you give him/her, you get rewards for all the prayers he/she does or all the fasts that he/she does, etc.

Details of project: Send Islamic literature to South America - in English or Spanish.
  • Preferably ANY books in Spanish
  • Spanish Qur'ans (with and without Arabic)*
  • Pocket size Qur'ans (without Arabic text)*
  • Jesus - Un Profeta Del Islam by Muhammad Ataur Rahim*
  • Guide to Islam in Spanish - Una Breve Guia? Ilustrada Para Entender el Islam by I.A. Ibrahim *
  • Islamic audio and video

  • (* they could do with more copies for handing out)

    Online Stores: If you know any other sites that sell Islamic Spanish material please let us know
  • IIPH Publications - excellent service!
  • Dar-us-Salaam Publications

  • Sound Vision
  • Online Islamic Store
  • Al Kitab
  • Al Halalco Books
  • Al Madania
  • Islamic Bookstore

  • Participants allowed: Open to anyone who can help. US residents have better access to Spanish material, so please, please join us.

    Ages allowed: All ages.

    Cost Limit: Non.

    Rules: Please ensure that brother Dawood will not have to pay any duty/taxes on receiving the books. Try and get a tracking number for all boxes shipped!!

    Email me ( what books you have sent, so we don't send doubles. (Qur'ans and material to handout can be in large quantity) - I will compose a list below of books sent and received, insha'Allah.

    Mailing Address:
    Gabriel David Herrera Escobar
    Calle 21# 21-96 Barrio La Pradera
    Dosquebradas, Pereira Risaralda
    South America

    Others Sources:

  • Islam una forma de vida
  • Islam en Colombia

  • May Allah Most Merciful grant us the means and ability to invite others to Islam, may He reward us for our good intentions, and continue to bless us with Islam. Ameen.

    Books Sent Todate:
  • Los Pilares del Islam y el Imân (The Pillars of Islam and Iman) / Sent 1 copy
  • Bulug Al-Marâm (Attainment of the Objective) / Sent 1 copy
  • Fallos Islamicos Sobre El Adivino Y Hechicero (Dealing with Witchcraft and those who do magic, etc) / Sent 2 copies
  • Durusul Islam (Vol 1 of a series of volumes dealing with very basic, basic topics) / Sent 5 copies
  • El Islam - Part 1 & 2 (Also, very basic introductory topics of Al Islam) / Sent 5 copies of each part
  • Los Funerales En El Islam (Dealing with Funerals in Islam) / Sent 3 copies
  • Nociones De Fiqh Para Principiantes (Basic Fiqh info for those who are new in the Deen) / Sent 4 copies
  • Salaah, La Oracion Del Musulman (Dealing with Salaah) / Sent 5 copies
  • El hombre que el Islam construye (The Man Islam builds) / Sent 50 copies
  • La forma de encontrar a Dios (The Way To Find God) / Sent 50 copies
  • Los Frutos de Taqwaa (The Fruits of Taqwaa) / Sent 3 copies
  • Credo Islamico (Islamic Creed) / Sent 3 copies
  • El Cor'an (Qur'an - in Spanish) / Sent 100 copies
  • The Meaning of the Holy Quran (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • El Origen Del Coran (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Belief In Allah (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Divine Will & Predestnation (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Messengers And Message (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • The World of The Noble Angels (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • The World of Jinn & Demons (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Minor Resurrection (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • The Day of Resurrection (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Paradise and Hell (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Jesus: Prophet of Islam (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Fatwa for woman (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • The Ideal Muslim (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • The Ideal Muslimah (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Riyadh Assaleheen 1/2 (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Menstruation & Post-Natal Bleeding (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Jurispruqencia Islamica Tomo 1 (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Jurispruqencia Islamica Tomo 2 (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Compendio De Conocimiento Y Sabi (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • La Inspiracion Del Glorioso (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Nada Te Turbe (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • La Mujer Mas Feliz del Mundo (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Salvacion a Traves del Arrepentimiento (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • La Doctrina Y El Culto En El Islam (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Conozca Al Profeta Del Islam (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Conozca El Coran (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Conozca A Jesus Y Maria En El Islam (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Conozca El Islam (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy
  • Bellas Suplicas (Spanish) / Sent 1 copy


    1. Assalaamu Alaykum,

      Ma sha Allah, another lovely project!!!

    2. as salaamu alaikum, buen trabajo necesitamos Musulmanes de todas las nacionalidades para avanzar el islam.

      tu hermano
      Al Hajji Yusef Maisonet

    3. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

      Umm Hibaat, a pleasure to read your comments as usual :) Jazaki'Allahu khair.

      Brother Yusef, jazak'Allah for stopping by, yes.. insha'Allah we can put 'One Ummah' into practice... instead of just talking about it.

      Wa'alaykum as-salaam

    4. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Very good work Amtul.
      May Allah bless you immensely and reward you in this world and in the hereafter too, Ameen.

    5. As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister Maryam,

      Ameen. Jazaki'Allah khair for the lovely dua' and for stopping by, much appreciated.

      Wa'alaykum as-salaam
      Lots of Love

    6. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Assalaamu Alaikum wrwb,

      Mash'Allah what an excellent project. offers free Islamic pamphlets and matierial in Spanish. A sister who I know says that it's the best translation of Islamic matierials into Spanish that she has seen.

    7. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,

      Jazaki'Allahu khair for letting me know about whyislam. I've contacted them before for dawaah material, but wasn't aware the translation is one of the best. Insha'Allah I'll get in touch with them again.

      Wa'alaykum as-salaam
      Lots of Love

    8. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Assalaamu Alaikom,

      JazakAllahu Khairon for your efforts.

      I was also told that one can contact Muslim embassies/councils such as of Saudia and they might be able to provide free books, qurans and Islamic info.

    9. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu,

      Jazak'Allahu khair for your comment, and help.

      Insha'Allah I shall look into that, much appreciated.

      Wa'alaykum as-salaam

    10. As Salaamu Alaikum Sis:

      Mash'ALlah what an extraordinary project. As an Hispanic American and convert to the religion, there is always more that I am learning and should be doing more of. Thanks for the inspiration and may Allah reqrd you enormously for what you have posted.

      Jazak Allahu Khair

    11. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,

      Wonderful to see you here. Jazaki'Allahu khair for the lovely dua' and the comment.

      Please keep us in your prayers and let others know about this project.

      Love Farhana

    12. Assalaamu alaikum
      Masha'Allah what a fantastic project; may Allah give you Tawfiq! Umm Ibrahim

    13. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my very dear sister,

      Jazaki'Allahu khair for visiting, and for the lovely dua'. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

      AlhumduliLlah, so far the project is going pretty well.

      Lots of Love

    14. Salam Alikom Farh!!

      Ok i know im soooo late with getting up to date on these things!!! BUT MASHAALLAH!! THIS IS BRILLIANT!

      Im going to try to get some books to send inshaAllah, Maybe insahALlah tommorow i will head to the local islamic bookstore here to find out what I can buy and to find out if they can donate some stuff too.

      I have also posted your project details on the Socal Muslim Moms list. You might be getting some emails from them INSHA ALLAH... lets see if they are ready to help!!

      THats it for now.. Im totally hooked on your blog. ITS SO WONDERFUL MASHAALLAH.


    15. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest Sarah,

      Oh, it is never too late, alhumduliLlah.. I am happy you here and reading :D

      Let me know how the book shopping goes.

      And thank you soooo much for mentioning things on the Moms list.

      Jazaki'Allahu khair for everything Sarah :D ... I appreciate it all, not only with this .. but you know EVERYTHING :D

      Unfortunately.. I'm not one to post so often (although this month has been different).. so you might actually need to go back to Facebook..haha :P

      Lots of Love
