
Sunday, April 19, 2009


As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh

It's only Sunday.. but I've already had a wonderful weekend. I spent Friday and Saturday at a cake show.. now I want to bake something amazing! But who's going to eat a three tiered cake? It was really nice to see other cool cakes (wedding, baby shower, etc.), and even see some cakes being put together.. although it disgusts me how much they blow on the cake (to keep it clean, etc.) I'm extremely picky when it comes to food and hygiene - thank God I don't need to order cakes from others.

I also bumped into an awesome store! Which is why I'm posting today.. to share their online store with you: Lush

They sell fresh-no animal testing-protect the planet kind of products. In my books that makes them a perfect place to shop. I bought shampoo in a solid form!, and have already used it.. by far the best shampoo I've ever used. Hijabi Apprentice, you must visit this site! It reminds me of you... haha

Right now they are holding contest you can check out - win a bike! Seed The Nation. I think today is the last day to enter, so see if you can get something in asap.

Happy shopping!


  1. SALAMS!

    I've been looking for your blog every sense I accidentally stumbled upon it. ALhamdullah :)

  2. Assalaamu'alaykum sunshine!

    Okay.. now I know exactly why you want a three-tiered cake... It still works for me... I'll bake it, you decorate it, and I'll eat it.. okay, fine, we'll eat it together, cuz sharing is caring :D. Insha'Allah!

    When Sunday rolls around, the weekend is pretty much over... but I guess you meant the 'long weekend.' Gotcha ;)

    Solid shampoo sounds..uhm... cumbersome... but I'm glad it works well! And even better that it's au naturelle :). Buttermilk is pretty natural too... *ahem*...

  3. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,

    Heya' Perlpxin Texan! So nice to see you again, alhumduliLlah I am happy you found me.

    Farzeen, haha.. so that's it.. you want to eat it! Well.. do you think we need an event to make a cake that size? let alone eat it.

    Actually I love the idea of a solid shampoo.. and yes, it's much better knowing it's made with natural products. No wonder it doesn't dry out the hair!

    Thanks for the comments ladies.

    Love Farhana

  4. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

    Can't finish the cake?.. Dun wait post them to me ...hehehe :P

  5. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister Adikbongsu,

    Haha.. oh sure, sure.. if only it was that simple, I really would mail the whole cake to you! As it is.. I owe you a chocolate one.. :D

    Lovely to see you!

    Love Farhana

  6. i <3 lush, I've been using their stuff and its sooo good!! I love their bath bombs and massage bars!

  7. I heard that the henna bars (for coloring hair from lush are also very good... I always wanted to try them, insha'Allah soon :)

  8. As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters,

    Hey Islamic Gems, oooh.. you have a lovely blog! I must add you, insha'Allah. And it's lovely to know others are using Lush products, I'm still in love with my shampoo bar! Their bath bombs look wonderful too.. how do you ever choose which one to pick..they all smell so yummy!

    Erin, lovely to meet you, jazaki'Allahu khair for the comment. I wondered about the henna bars as well. If you try any out.. PLEASE let me know how it goes.. and if it's messy.

    Love Farhana
