
Friday, May 22, 2009

Double Swap - Gifts

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh

Ahh... another awesome swap, they get a little addictive.. haha.

Here are the lovely participants, and their take on the swap. Check out the links - see all the fun you missed! I'll update as gifts come in.

Umm Nassim
- Gift Received

Umm Salihah
- Gift Received
- 'Persian Girls' Book Review
'The Saffron Kitchen' Book Review

Gift Received

Umm Bilal
- Gift Received

- Gift Received

  • Umm Obaidah
  • Razzberry
  • Teeya
  • Hijabi Apprentice
  • Mommy2h
  • Sarah

    And here is what I got!
    Well first.. let me tell you want I sent Hajar. The BFG by Roald Dahl.. yes, it's one of my favourite books, because it's the one that made me 'love' reading. If you've never read it.. you must.
  • Hajar was then to send me a gift that reflects the book I sent her. And here is my 'little bag of dreams'. So many lovely things, from a gorgeous bookmark, to a mirror that will show me my future husband (apparently) (hopefully it's blank *big grin*), she couldn't fit giants in.. so she opted for their pets (the cute cats you see), a batik scarf, and a handmade box, bag and key chain!

    Thank you so very, very much Hajar, everything is wonderful! Now I'm going to Malaysia.. haha especially after teasing me with the Islamic Museum Guide!

    And thank you to all those that participate! Look forward to having you join us again, insha'Allah.


    1. Assalamualaikum sister Farhana!

      Oooohh~!!! I've completely lost it! I just realized you sent an email to me but I've gotten so much things on hand/in mind that I missed it out. Thanks for uploading my bundle of phizzwizards. ^^ Insha'Allah, I'll proceed with mine when I get it. :)

      Btw, you're tagged! ^^

      And I'm rushing for something else now ... aih~~~!

      Take care & lots of love & hugs!


    2. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest Hajar,

      Hahaha.. no worries, insha'Allah you find yourself. I know, you busy theses days :D

      Insha'Allah you get yours soon!

      Ooo.. another tag, I'll get to it. Thank you.

      Lots of Love

    3. Assalamualaikum sister...
      Its been a while since I last visited here..sorry for that..
      About the swap I have completely forget about it..
      I sent the book and Sarah received it and I received mine also..we both love the book. About the gift I have already agreed with Sarah about it so don't worry about it..

      Salam Ramadhan for you and your family..

      Love, Nor

    4. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest Nor,

      Ramadaan Mubarak!
      Thank you so much for letting me know. Sarah had mentioned you two had agreed on things, so I wasn't worried. I only worry.. when only one swap partner knows what's going on.

      I hope all is well at your end, and the kids are doing well..insha'Allah.

      Lots of Love
