
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Headband Tutorial

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

... yup... I'm failing at this blogging thing!!! sorry people... I'll try and make a better effort in keeping it updated.

Lately I've been very busy sewing.. and would like to share a really cute tutorial with you. This is a for a headband, either for children or adults (looks good on both) and really easy to make!

You can find the written instructions here: (under Betty Band) or watch the video below. Marzipan has lots of other great stuff to try.

Note: I did have to make the headband 1 inch smaller than directed (for a 22 month old) - so the "Child Size" on the website.

Alrighty people..I'll be back with more, insha'Allah!! :)


  1. Assalaamu'alaykum

    It's strange seeing any of your posts without comments.. so here's the first...

    Awww..mashaAllah, cute. I just wonder how comfortable a child might find it, though this child in particular seems quite agreeable to hair accessories. :)

    I love the matching outfit :). I'd rather a tutorial for that.. how about it?

  2. What a cute tutorial, will definitely try inshallah.
    I have nominated you for an award. Do check out my blog.

  3. Aren’t you lucky to have a pretty little girl and be able to make her all those lovely things (assuming is your daughter). I have 2 boys and It has been a bit hard jajaja Top tanks mostly and some crochet animals.
    Your name sound Arabic? Are you?
    Thank for visiting my blog! :)
    Kind regards, Lorena

  4. Assalamualaikum sis!

    Cute headband!!! Haven't worn one of those in years! Subhan'Allah! I feel ancient all of a sudden now! lol~

  5. Oh my.. I am a little behind on replying, sorry.

    Fuzz.. Wa'alaykum as-salaam... erm, children are never comfortable with things in their hair.. so it's more for the parents :) ... yup..insha'Allah 2012 I'll add more tutorials and do a better job at keeping up with my blog :(

    Ummi, thank you SO much, I will check out your blog :) thanks for the visit.

    Lorena I agree, making things for boys isn't as fun... although I found making 'dress-up' clothing for them fun! I recently made a cowboy out.. will try and post it. Yes my name is Arabic.. means Happy, but I'm not Arab. Love your blog!

    Hajar!! Wa'alaykum as-salaam my dearest sis.. LOL.. ya you and me both! But I think they are 'in' again.

    Thank you everyone for the visit.
    Love Farhana

  6. Assalamualikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, Farhana.

    Hope U and ur family r doin f9 by the grace of Allah (SWT):)

    Masha Allah I loveeee creative things. This looks really nice.

    Missed U a lot when I was away.

    Anyways Alhamdulillah I'm back to blogging.

    TC. Hugs.

    Ms. Unique

  7. Wa'alaykum as-salaam my dearest sister!!

    AlhumduliLlah we are all doing great!

    Oh it is SOOOOOOO nice to see you!! And I am very, very happy you are back to blogging, insha'Allah I hope to be more committed (for 2012) too.

    Thank you very much for stopping by!!

    Lots of Love
