
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Children . Postcards . Round 2

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh

Sign-up for the postcard swap for children was due June 10th. AlhumduliLlah the turn out was amazing, with 54  participants.
......... and we are STILL getting requests to join. So insha'Allah I'm running a second postcard swap.

Details of swap: Each participant will send out at least three postcards to their partner within the next three months (July, August, September). Preferably one postcard per month. These could be handmade or purchased.

Participants will be partnered by age and gender (if possible).

Participants allowed: International.

Ages allowed: Any age that can read and write.

Cost Limit: None.

1) Must be a minimum of three postcards sent.

Sign up due date: Saturday June 23, 2012
Partners and list will be emailed to you on: Monday June 25, 2012
Postcards must be mailed out by: Before October 1, 2012

If your child would like to participate, I will need to know the following information. ( note: .ca NOT .com

Name of swap: Children . Postcards . Round 2
Your Blog url:
Your Email address:
Child's Email address (if they have one):
Child's real name:
Mailing address:
Child's age and gender:
How did you hear about this swap:

Participants to date: 38 

- Safiyah & - Eefah
- Sadaat & - Ibrahim
- Khadeeja & - Sakina
- Idris & - Abdur Rahman
- Husna & - Mieasha
- Zayba & - Maryam P
- Musa & - Muadh
- Rumaysah & - Shameela
- Taymiyyah & - Huda
- Aaishah & - Noura
- Yumna & - Jordyn
- Dhakira & - Maryum
- Tasneem & - Maryam K
- Aasiyah & - Noor
- Hamza & - Abdullah
- Nusaybah & - Ammaarah
- Abdullah K & - Humza K
- Khadijah & - Zakiyyah
- Mariam & - Hanna

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