
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Jungle Book Eid Party

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

My a little overdue post on Eid!
Insha'Allah I hope you all enjoyed Eid and had a wonderful Ramadaan. What you are doing today will tell you how good your Ramadaan went. Are you a better person today than you were in June?

Those that read my blog know I have a theme every Eid, to make my job easier when it comes to decorating. This year we did "The Jungle Book" - but the old one, the kids haven't watched the Disney version.

The Eid banner I made that was featured in Sakyna magazine with a tutorial.

Bageerah the panther being silly. This is what nine year olds do best! Tabarak'Allah.

I managed to purchase a 'jungle' background from the States..which saved me SO much work. It's huge and covered the family room walls. We added green streamers (in different shades) to represent vines.

 Mowgli chocolate cake! Not too complicated. Using only a 12" round cake.

 Of course we had to have some animals  (besides me being Shere khan). Here is Kaa the snake.

We also made some vines using this awesome tutorial, "Jungle Vines" - the only change I made was to use the large leaf/compost bags because I wanted them really long. From one bag we managed to get approximately 13 vines.

Hathi the elephant. The 'grass' is just cardboard painted. Leave a flap at the bottom (so a box cut in the right shape works well). Paint it all dark green, add a few highlights with light green. Simple, and can be placed around the room for the 'animals' to hide behind.

 Bagheera and Akela the wolf. The costumes are very simple to make if you have some sewing skills. Pants (with a tail), and make a shirt with a hood to add on ears  (or try something like this for the hood: "Wild Things Hat" ).

I made crocodile pies too - which were very yummy. With just a hotdog filling (hotdogs cut in pieces plus herb & garlic cream cheese), which kids love. This image is NOT mine, and I have no idea who to give credit to. But I did use their idea, and thank you to whoever you are. I used raisins for the eyes. 

....and there you have it! There were other things but I didn't take enough pictures - this should give some ideas to anyone who plans a similar party.


  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    As salamu alaykum dear sis. Wow Farhana, maashaa'Allah you are sooooo creative - I am sure you are the kids favourite auntie!!! This crocodile pie is totally incredible!!!! You have to post some more pictures of that one, as it looks amazing! Wa salamu alaykum, Maryam from London

  2. Wa'alaykum as-salaam dearest Maryam,
    Jazaki'Allahu khair for the lovely comment.
    .... the picture of the pie isn't mine... but I did make the same, mini-ones - they are actually very easy to make, and kids think they look cool :)

    Love Farhana

  3. Assalaam alaykum and a belated Eid mubarak to you and your family! WHAT FUN!! I love your theme and the pics! That croc pie turned out amazing! Masha'Allah!

  4. Assalaamu'alaykum

    So you were all monkeying around on Eid eh? :D Or should I say we.. Anyway, mashaAllah nice cake.. and lovely Eid banner. I think the pictures don't do justice to the finished room, but they're a nice reminder of a festive day anyway. Thanks! BarakAllahu fiki for your efforts in making a happy day also entertaining.

    Yours truly,
    King Louie in disguise ;o)

  5. Looks like you had fun! You are so creative too. What a great theme.

  6. Wa'alaykum as-salaam Salihah, jazaki'Allahu khair for the visit and lovely comment. :)

    Wa'alaykum as-salaam 'king louie' .. haha... jazaki'Alahu khair for the visit. Ya I really should have taken more pictures, but I think I was more interested in just enjoying the day. :)

    Hey Crystal, thank you for the visit and lovely comment. Kids really loved the theme.. they are already thinking about next years :/


  7. Assalaamu alaikum,

    We LOVE the crocodile pie, it's just so cool!!

  8. Wa'alaykum as-salaam lil' muslimahs!
    Sorry I haven't visited in a while, too many things going on at my end.

    Jazaki'Allah khair for the comment and visit :)

