
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Double Swap

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh

Thank you to all the sisters who never fail to remind me "it's time for another swap!" I'm going to be a little selfish here, and combine my two loves for this swap. Reading and creating. Suprisingly, it's something I noticed a lot of my readers like as well... so here it is:

Details of swap: This is a two part swap.
1) You will send your favourite book (this can range from a childhood story to whatever you enjoy reading now - Religious/Craft/ Mystery/ - anything) to your swap partner.
2) Once you receive your swap partner's favourite book, you'll read it, and send her a gift that reflects what you just read. Use your imagination, and have fun with it. It can be bought or handmade.

Participants allowed: International. I will email you in back if you qualify to join this swap.

Ages allowed: All ages.

Cost Limit: None.

1) Sent out book - email me and your swap partner.
1a) Received book - email me and your swap partner.
2) Sent out gift - email me and your swap partner.
2b) Received gift - email me and your swap partner.
2c) Blog about it - email me the url: so I can make a list of them (if you don't have a blog.. we'll figure something out)

Sign up due date: Friday, March 20, 2009
Partners will be emailed to you on: Saturday, March 21, 2009

Book must be mailed out before: Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Gift must be sent out before: Monday, April 27, 2009

If you would like to participate, I will need to know the following information. ( note: .ca NOT .com
Please email me the answers even if you have participated in a previous swap.

Name of swap: Double Swap
Blog url:
Email address:
Your real name:
Mailing address:
Do I and your swap partner have your permission to post pics of your gift:
How did you hear about this swap:


Part 1
  • Umm Bilal (book received) & Yaney (book received)
  • Umm Obaidah (book received) & Razzberry (book received)
  • Umm Nassim (book received) & Umm Salihah (book received)
  • Teeya (book received) & Hijabi Apprentice (book received)
  • Farhana (book received) & Hajar (book received)
  • Mommy2h (book received) & Sarah (book received)

  • Part 2
    Umm Bilal (gift received) & Yaney (gift received)
    Umm Obaidah & Razzberry (gift sent)
    Umm Nassim (gift received) & Umm Salihah (gift received)
    Teeya (gift sent) (gift received) & Hijabi Apprentice
    Farhana (gift received) & Hajar (gift received)
    Mommy2h & Sarah (gift sent)


    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dearest Farhana,

      Ya Allah, You never ceased to surprise me with your ideas ... so creative :)

      Email me your address k, I think I have misplace the earlier one that I got from you (am such a muddleheaded sometimes)...hehehe :)


    2. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister!

      Lovely to see you here.

      Haha.. well.. let's see if I can be creative when sending my gift for this swap!

      My home address? ... (humm.. what's Adikbongsu upto now?) Alrighty.. I'll email you soon.

      Take care, and jazaki'Allahu khair for the visit.

      Love Farhana

    3. Anonymous4:25 AM

      Assalamu alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
      Dearest Farhana!
      I have been on a bit of a net 'diet' LOL! Always such a nice stop clicking here...and to see another swap even more so...and such an inventive one, Masha'Allah.
      Please include me in, with Du'a that the post behaves. Insha'Allah two items to be sent and two to receive does not confuse them here!
      May your rewards be piling high, Ameen!
      Wassalamu alaikum

    4. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister

      Haha.. trust me, a net diet (which is the only one I go on).. is a very good thing. I personally end up being so much more productive :D

      AlhumduliLlah, I am happy you'll be joining us. So far we have a wonderful group of sisters.. and from so many different parts of the globe!

      Yuppers.. two to send, two to receive..haha :D Insha'Allah everything runs smoothly.

      Lots of Love

    5. AsSalyamu aleykum, can I also please participate :)

    6. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,

      You will need to send in the questionnaire in order to participate. :D

      Love Farhana

    7. AsSalyamu aleykum wa RAhmatullahi wa Barakatuh, I send my answers to the email address you mentioned at the top of your website. :x BarakAllah fiki Ya Ohti

    8. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,

      Jazaki'Allahu khair for the email :D

      Look forward to having you join us!

      Love Farhana

    9. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Asalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

      Dearest Farhana,

      Yay! Another swap! This one will be hard for me because I have many favorite books in different genres! I'm still excited to participate :).

      Gotta run Zach is demanding my undivided attention!



    10. Assalamualaikum dear sister Farhana,

      Funny you should mention this ...

      "from so many different parts of the globe!"

      cos' I'm just wondering where these wonderful sisters are from! :)

      And do send me your address as well. It's not really fair that you have mine but I haven't gotten yours. :P Why, one of these days you might just appear in my front porch! LoL!


    11. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters,

      Hey Hijabi, I see lil' Zach is still not aware he has to share you!!! :D And I am very excited you'll be joining us for another swap. Haha.. I totally hear you, I have no idea what book I'm going to send. I should have thought about this before I went and put up a swap..hehe

      Hajar!... look at this lovely list, we have someone from Malaysia (I wonder who), from Canada (ha..), the States, Singapore, Saudi, UK.. :D it's a beautiful list I tell you.

      Hahaha.. the only way I'm giving you my address is if you promise to come visit me. :P And really Hajar, don't be surprised if I show up at your door. One day (when I'm rich) I'm planning a trip to Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia :D

      Lots of Love

    12. Anonymous5:54 PM

      owh owh..i missed this one!**sigh**

    13. As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,

      Aww shucks.. I'll email you about it.. :D

      And if you have time join this newsletter: so you'll know as soon as a project or swap are launched.

      Lots of Love


      I have posted my book and that is the info about it inshaAllah

    15. Asalaamu Alaikum Farhana,

      Sorry for breaking the rules and not emailing you and Teeya :(. I did order the books :). I'm so excited for her to receive them!



    16. AsSalyamu `Aleykum wa RahmatuLlahi wa Barakatuh, we have received book from Sister Razberry mashaAllah tabarakAllah.

    17. Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters,

      Jazakum'Allahu khair for the comments.

      Homeschooling Muslimah, I am so sorry I haven't had time to actually answer your posts, I have been keeping track though. I am very happy you've received your book! I just got mine today, and am very excited to get reading.. and then thinking :D

      Hijabi, oh no worries my dear sister. You're email already explained everything :D I'm just happy you managed to send it out. Insha'Allah they reach her safely and I hope you are feeling much better.

      Love Farhana
