
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wisdom Of One Man

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh

Just adding a little update on the Friday Hadiths!
AlhumduliLlah.. so far we have more than 150 subscribers... May Allah reward you all for your good intentions, and bless you with understanding. Ameen.

Those that don't know about it:
Every Friday... you receive a Hadith. The source of the Hadith is provided as well as a commentary to explain it.
Usually it's very short.. and something you can apply to your life right away.

Example: Dinner With Satan

Sisters interested in receiving teachings of the beloved Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa-salaam)
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Brothers interested in receiving teachings of the beloved Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa-salaam)

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