
Sunday, March 27, 2011


As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

Here is a VERY over due update to the Gems Swapping!

Each name below will take you to a wonderful post and picture of what they received.
- Rolling Ruminations
- Handmade Beginnings
- Aaminah Al-Naksibendi

I enjoyed the swap (as always).. and am thankful to all the sisters who joined in to make it possible. Insha'Allah you all had fun, and were able to make a 'friend' - the kind you want to keep..haha :)


I received lots of lovely things from my swap partner Maryam. Okay.. it was beyond lovely..there was FUDGE in there!!! Which was sooooooo delicious. So is the lipbalm (delicious yes..) Two gorgeous hijabs.. in pink and purply tones. A beautiful flower pin, henna, itaar, OH.. and cook book of yummy salads... just perfect, insha'Allah I'll be using that for our summer bbq's!!!

Jazaki'Allahu khair Maryam! I love everything!! and insha'Allah I pray we can continue to be good friends :)

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