
Saturday, April 14, 2012


As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

I was SO sure I had done a book review on BELLYACHE: A Delicious Tale! Anyway, looks like I didn't post it..but I'm sharing the sequel to that..because I totally dig it, and the author is such a wonderful person.

Title: HEADACHE: The Hair-Raising Sequel to Bellyache
Author: Crystal Marcos
Available: Amazon
Type: Children (ages 8 and up)

What's it about? As the second book, this continues the tale of a boy (Peter) and his friend (Lina) and their adventures with the candonite people. Who are the Candonites you ask? People made out of candyyyyy...need I say more! (yes me and food are one)... they need to save their town from the horrible Peblars (rotten candy).

Is it worth reading? It's for younger people, obviously...but I really, really enjoyed it!! Given my inner child is still around I was glued to this, and I'd definitely recommend it to others. Its great for both boys and girls because it's packed with action!

Is the book easy to understand? Yes.

Notable pages? Humm... none I can narrow down.

Out of 5: 5

Let me know what you think!
Happy Reading!... oh, and make sure you have snacks near by, you WILL get hungry!


  1. Thank you so much for posting such a wonderful review! I am tickled that you loved my books!

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    great review! Look forward to reading Headache!

    Paul R Hewlett

  3. haha..thanks so much fro the visit Crystal :)

    Thank you Paul, it's definitely worth the read!
