
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Monster Collection

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh

I'm having a little too much fun sewing!
Thought I'd share this project, because I always find it difficult to sew interesting enough things for boys (ages 7 & 8).. but THIS is awesome! any of you who are stuck on what to make, give this a try.

Who wouldn't like their own collection of monster beanbags!?!

I've made everything out of canvas...! once upon a time I bought an entire roll hoping I'd be a great artist *grin*... we still working on that 'hope'... bwahaha...

I made 6 different kinds. The beanbag faces are made with felt. I also decided to make a bag to hold everything in, that monster is painted on. I LOVE the bag!!.. and will probably make more for library books etc.

They are 18 altogether. The kids are very happy with them, which makes me happy.


  1. Very Awesome MashaAllah!! Skilled auntie :) .. . so um, what did you use to fill it? I think i must have missed that part ;)

  2. LOL.. we don't answer such questions...haha... thanks Shir :)
