
Monday, April 30, 2012

Qur'an Cover!

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

So I've FINALLY made my sister a Qur'an cover! I've been 'promising' to make her one for a year-or-so. Anyway, it turned out awesome (even if the pictures suck.. it looks so much better in person).. I'm very happy with it, and it was fun to make, so I made two. The silver and black one I'll add to my etsy store, and see how that goes.


I used a velvet fabric on the outside, and lined the whole bag with a satin fabric.

Hand painted 'Iqra' (meaning: Read) on the outside.

Now I need to make two more..for kids, so it'll probably look different.


  1. So beautiful ma sha Allah. I've been wanting to crochet one :)

  2. this is amazing Mashallah! do you sell these?

  3. As-salaamu'alaykum sisters,
    Lovely to see you Fruitful Fusion :) and jazaki'Allahu khair. A crocheted on would be wonderful, please let me know if you make it, I'd love to see it.

    Tuttie, thank you so much for the visit and lovely feedback. I have the silver and black one up on sale here:
    But I can pretty much custom make it to whatever you like... dimensions/color... and for the same price.

    Love Farh

  4. Beautiful work. This gives me an idea to make for my daughter.

  5. As-salaamu'alaykum sis,
    Thank you so much! Happy it has inspired you :)

  6. This is stunning! I love it.

  7. Thank you Kat! :)
    I must take some better pics of them though :/

  8. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Mashaa'Allah Farhana, those covers are beautiful and what a wonderful gift idea!!!

  9. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Lol, the above message went through anonymous, but it comes all the way through cyberspace from your sister in London, UK! Keep up the creative work!!! You have talent!!! xxx Maryam Umm Nuh

  10. Haha.. I read the first comment and I had a feeling 'this person' knew me! :)
    Jazaki'Allahu khair Maryam for the lovely words, and visit. This cover got sold, but insha'Allah I plan on making more..just been very busy with family the last few weeks, and trying to organize swaps! :)
    Take care
    Love Farhana
