
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wrapping It Up

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

AlhumdulilLlah, the book drive to help out the children at the Makeni orphanage in Zambia (Lusaka) was pretty successful.
We managed to collect:
- 9 large boxes of books in the UK, thanks to SmartArk.
- 12 large boxes of books were collected in the States (Maryland), thanks to Masjid IRHSCA
- 39 boxes of books were collected in Canada (Ontario), thanks to schools like IIT, homeschooling moms and Al-Falah Islamic School

The UK delivery only took two weeks to reach its we managed to get a video of the children with the books. It's heart-warming to watch..but still doesn't fully capture just how happy and grateful the children (and teachers) are to receive the books.

Please pass on the clip to others, and help up continue to help the orphans.
Jazakum'Allahu khair to all those that helped.

Insha'Allah we have a few up coming projects we are working on. If you can help us out in ANYWAY possible, please let me know.
For the next shipment we'd like to collect:
- Bicycles
- Computers (with flat screen monitors)
- Educational toys
- Board Games
- Story books (not text books, etc.)

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