
Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Mural Progress

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

I'm officially ALL done drawing out things on my mural. Those that have read my previous posts, know I am working on a mural for the Orphanage in Zambia. It's about 8.5 foot wide - so I have lots to fill. AlhumduliLlah I'm happy with how things are to paint!! But I'll have to put that on hold since I have other work to do.

This is just part of the whole mural to show you the process of things. I've added lots of detail, I prefer to work this way, others add the detail after. (Photograph isn't that clear, sorry)
And as you have noticed, I did stretch the canvas - they'll hang it unstretched like wall paper.

I took this pic for those that have a large surface to work with. I normally never use a grid - but again, because it's large you need to get proportions right. Here is a tip: measure where you'd like the lines and use thread taped at each end at your grid marks. It saves SO much time and cleaner than drawing on lines.


  1. Salaams Dear: Great project. Would love to see it when it's complete :) On a side note, how did you get the Etsy slide show on your site?

  2. Jazaki'Allahu khair for the visit Safiyyah. Insha'Allah I shall share the completed mural with you! :)

    The Etsy slide show is a widget you can get here:
    I'll msg you with the link again, incase you don't read this.

