
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Algerian Travelling Library

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

I'm so happy to be starting 2013 with a book project!!! AlhumduliLlah. Here is yet another opportunity for you and I to put a little joy in a child's life.

It is not an accident you're reading this... but a blessing!

Girls in Algeria. Photo by Kaled Ayeb

Project Details: To collect books (new or in good condition) for a travelling library in Algeria!! The books will be shared with children at orphanages, hospitals, schools and those in the community.

Algeria (shown in red) - North Africa

How WE can help:
1) Send books directly to the UK, which will be shipped to Algeria.
Algerian Action
85 Clementina Road
London, E10 7LT

2) Donate money, and I'll purchase the books and send them. $4 might not get you an awesome book, but funds combined can.
--------------- we are no longer accepting donations!

Age Group:
Babies to teens - 0 to 14 years old
Books can be English, French or Arabic

- This project is through Algerian Action. Please check out there website for other projects.
- Book Depository: Shipping is free from this site.
- Amazon Wish List

PLEASE share this project with others.
From my side (i.e: this blog) I'd like to send at least 200 books. Below I'll list titles, so we don't really repeat things. Let me know what books you send - so I can add them.


  1. MashAllah! Are you collecting books also or would people have to mail them directly to the UK? Sorry it wasn't clear to me.

  2. As-salaamu'alaykum
    I won't be collecting books for this project, just purchasing books online. So people would have to mail it directly to the U.K.

    Jazaki'Allahu khair for your interest and for the visit :)
    Please let others know about this project.

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    asalaam alaikum,

    you should ask for french books too as it is very common to speak french in algeria, english is barely understood, but may help in learning.

  4. Wa'alaykum as-salaam
    Yes, yes.. you are right, I thought of the same thing... but still have to check with Algerian Action if they want French books as well.
    Thank you very much :)

  5. Assalaamu Alaykum Farhana,

    I'm so glad you posted this! I was so excited about the project but forgot to publicise it here in Jeddah! Need to get this done in sha Allah!

    Hope you are well!


  6. Wa'alaykum as-salaam my dearest sis,
    Jazaki'Allahu khair for the lovely visit! Always awesome to see you.
    Oh yes, I was (am) excited about this project too! You put a love of books and children and well... how can anyone go wrong :)

    Hope all is well at your end. Sorry I haven't come by the blog in a while, it's been a little busy here..but I'm hoping my planning in 2013 will be better, insha'Allah.

