
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Featured Artist: Sobia

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

They are just SO many super talented and creative sisters, tabarak'Allah that I come across online. They are MY insha'Allah for 2013 I'd like to share a little of their work and who they are. Maybe you too will be inspired by their work.

Featured Artist: Sobia Hussain

What medium do you use to express your creativity? And why did you choose this medium?
I express my creativity through various media, however, I decided to focus on soapmaking and other bath and body products for my business. I chose soapmaking because it's a perfect marriage between science and art - two of my favourite subjects in school. To create pure soap, you must have good background knowledge in chemistry. And to create artisan soaps, you must be willing to take chances to transform your product into a piece of art. I first think of fragrances and scents that I would like to offer and then I think of colours and techniques which I believe could representing that aroma.

Where does your inspiration come from?
I take inspiration from nature, my surroundings, and concepts/ideas/emotions that matter to me. Caring for the planet is also a great concern to me. So, when I'm developing a product, I try to ensure that its is eco-friendly which in turn helps me reduce my carbon footprint in this precious global village of ours! I also like to promote optimism. So, I try to imagine what types of aromas and fragrances could evoke such positive emotions and help put a smile on someone's face. Last but not least, Pinterest! It's a great place to go for any pinner would know!

If you had to choose one of your favorites of your creations which would it be? 
I would have to choose my Planet Earth Plush Globe as my all-time favourite creation. I am a big nerd for maps and globes! I wanted to create something for children which could help them develop an awareness of our precious planet so they can grow up to care for it. I enjoyed designing this unique globe despite the amount of hours and days that went into perfecting it.

What has been your biggest creative challenge?
The greatest challenge would be to make more time to dedicate to my art. I have 3 children so I want to ensure that most of my energies go into raising them and creating memories for years to cherish. I leave all my soapmaking and sewing to when the kiddos are in school. When they come home, I'm all theirs!

What other creative interests do you have?
I enjoy sewing, henna art, knitting/crocheting, painting with acrylics, crafting (with any material I can get my hands on), and conducting creative workshops which help empower children to find their hidden, inner talents. And, of course, pinning! I love drawing inspiration from Pinterest! It helps me with my creative flow of thoughts. Down2EarthSmile

What would you do if there was an elephant in your backyard?
After the initial sheer enjoyment of having a lovely elephant in my backyard, I would soon find an elephant sanctuary where she can be treated like the princess she really is! Then I would bid her farewell but visit her often!

Where can we find more of your work?
You can find The Olive Tree Soap Company products showcased on Facebook.
I am beginning to offer my products on Etsy.
Here is my other business.

Thank you Sobia!

Stay tuned for future interviews.


  1. Jzk for the feature. I loved doing it!


  2. Barak'Allahu feeki Sobia! Absolutely loved knowing more about you! :)
