
Thursday, March 12, 2015

6 Children Left

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

I'd like to tell you about an orphanage in Mombasa, Kenya. They have 51 children there. Out of those, 6 orphans remaining and these six kids are in tahfeed (special school for memorizing the whole Quran), it is a boarding school so the fees will include their food and living expenses for the whole year. These children memories an average of 7 Juzu’ per year and some even up to 11 Juzu’

The average total fees for both school and Qur'an school, food and living expenses is per child is $356 (per year)

PLEASE help out with as much you can, and let others know.

To donate contact these people:
Mpesa No. +254 722792749
Tanzania: Tigo Pesa the number is +255652414431.

If you need a paypal address or Western Union info, just email me ( and I'll get you the info.

But whatever thing you spend [in His cause] - He will compensate it; and He is the best of providers." 34:39 

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