
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Mail from Singapore

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

We just had another swap.. with a "typography" theme!

This is what I got from my absolutely lovely swap partner in Singapore!! She knows I love goats, isn't that the cutest goat ever!! all hand drawn by her, and the rest is crocheted by her, and my book is made be her, tabarak'Allah! that's a super talented chick!! if you want to see her other work (and you can buy things too), check out her blog: Adopt An Ami

Those that don't know... we moved all swaps to a facebook page: Gift Giving in Islam
come and join us!! We'll be having another swap in Ramadaan (insha'Allah) and maybe one before that.


  1. Assalamu'alaykum

    Wow .. a typography theme. Great idea! I didn't even know you had a swap. Lovely gift..MashaAllah, very talented sister.

  2. As'salaamualaikum Farhana! Those are some lovely gifts! :D
