As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu
There is no words to describe the smile on a little girl's face when she receives a doll for the first time. We were all once that little girl, and now Allah Most High has given us the opportunity to be the one giving, rather than the one receiving. AlhumduliLlah.
Details of project: Purchase a doll of your choice and design the clothing for it, using whatever material/method you like, so it is Islamic (ie: modest with her hair covered). You will be sending the doll directly to the orphanage department in that location. Note: when purchasing the doll please take into consideration what area of the world the doll is going to.
:: You may send dolls to more than one child.
:: You are welcome to give your doll a name.
:: You can email me a picture of the doll/clothing you designed, and I shall put it in an online album.. insha'Allah that will be an inspiration to others.
Islamic Ruling: I have discussed this project with a Shaykh (may Allah preserve him), in regards to the ruling of giving dolls as a gift. He said, "it is permitted to give young girls dolls—even with the full face according to the prevalent opinion."
Participants allowed: International
Ages allowed: All ages. (Note: please, please, be sure you can go through with this.. a little girl is counting on you)
Cost Limit: None.
Rules: Inform ME via email when you have sent out your package.
Sign up due date: Indefinite. When we've reached maximum participants (enough to send a doll to every child), sign up will be closed.
Project start date: As soon as you receive a number and an address where you will send the doll.
Package HAS TO BE MAILED OUT before: as soon as possible, insha'Allah
If you would like to participate, please email me the following questionnaire at (note: .ca NOT .com)
:: If you would like contribute to this project (ie: pay for shipping), but do not have the time, etc. to purchase a doll (and/or design the clothing) please email me for further details.
Name of Project: The Muslimah Doll Project -1
Blog name & url: (if applies)
Email address:
Your real name:
How many dolls will you be purchasing:
What country do you reside in:
How did you hear about this project:
Suggestions for future projects:
AlhumduliLlah we have managed to bring a smile to many orphans, from many areas. May Allah continue give us the means and ability to help others. Ameen.
Number of Dolls sent: 86
Orphanage in Ethiopia: 11
Orphans in Bangladesh: 15
Orphanage in Zambia: 40
Orphans in Indonesia: 20
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