As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu
cup-cake [kuhp-keyk]
a small cake, the size of an individual portion, baked in a cup-shaped mold.
..... what they don't tell you, is they are absolutely yummy and so very cute!!
Details of swap: Send a minimum of 2 items, (all cupcake related) to your swap partner.
Ideas: cupcake art, cupcake decorations (ie. sprinkles, etc.), cupcake recipes, cupcake crafts, cupcake liners, cupcake fabric, cupcake jewelry, etc.
One item should be handmade. (here is your opportunity to be 'creative')
This is a secret swap, so the only information you will receive is your swap partners mailing address.
Participants allowed: International (open to Females only!)
Ages allowed: All ages. (note: if you are not mature enough to see this swap through, please don't sign up)
Cost Limit: Non. There should be no 'expectations'. The idea is to have fun with it, and be a little creative.
Rules: This is a secret swap so you will have to inform only me via email or post in the comments section when you have sent out your package and when you receive your package.
Sign up due date: Monday, December 11th, 2006
Partners will be Emailed to you on: Tuesday, December 12th, 2006
Package HAS TO BE MAILED OUT before: Wednesday, January 31st, 2007
If you would like to participate, I will need to know the following information. ( note: .ca NOT .com
Please email me the answers even if you have participated in a previous swap.
Name of swap: Secret Cupcake Swap
Blog name/url: (if applies)
Email address:
Your real name:
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip (country if needed):
Favourite cupcake?
Does your swap partner have your permission to post pics of your 'creation' (ie. on their blog):
How did you hear about this swap:
Number of participants to date: 16
Labels: swaps

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dear sister,
I.. and I'm definitely sure your swap partner (whoever she may be) would be thrilled to have you join us! You did a wonderful job with the Eid Book Swap (it's hard to let go of good swappers ya'know)
Can you email me the answers to the Questionnaire please.
At 7:42 AM,
Assalaamu Alaikum Ukhti, thanks for stopping by my blog: ) Masha'allah, I love yours! It's so creative and crafty, totally my cup of tea!
The cupcake swap sounds sooo neat, I'm really thinking about doing it, will email you soon insha'allah.
Look forward to seeing you around often insha'allah.
Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dear sisters,
Jazak'Allah for dropping by and leaving your comments,.. and for all the sisters who have already mailed in their questionnaire.
Thank you very much Muslim Wife :) Insha'Allah I hope you decide to join us.
Insha'Allah I hope this swap is fun for everyone, no stress.. just fun!!!
At 1:52 PM, Sketched Soul
At 6:17 PM, Sketched Soul
Hello Nadi,
Thank you so much for dropping by.
I am sorry, this swap was done a while back. Oddly enough, I thought about it today.. before even reading your comment, and though we should have one with the same theme since it was such a hit. So hopefully I will have that running around August.. please check back.
Take care,
OH MY. You've really done it this time. ;D Since most girls have cupcake mania.. this is sooo perfectly delicious. Can i please participate again? :D