I have some WONDERFUL news! AlhumduliLlah. The girls orphange in Africa have received their dolls done through the Muslimah Doll Project. I don't know if I am more excited or them...hehe The blessings of Ramadaan, subhan'Allah.

Smiles.. and more smiles!
Thank you to everyone at the Sunrise Academy for the 37 gorgeous dolls they sent with so much love, and to the lovely sister who helped organize everything. May Allah reward you all abundantly for your kindness, and shower you with His kindness. Ameen. You've definitely brought more than just smiles to these children.
And thank you to the sisters at the orphanage who helped with everything at that end, and sent us pictures. Jazakum'Allahu khair.

One of the dolls had a letter from the donor with. As you can see, the recipient is thrilled! Tabarak'Allah. The orphanage is going to laminate the letter and keep it at the orphanage.

Please keep these children and the many other orphans out there in you prayers. We have updated the site, if you have time please check it out.. and spread the word!
Labels: help, love, reflection

At 11:56 PM, Lazeena Umm Yusuf
MashaAllah sis, I admire your drive! This is definitely something I would like to get involved in mashaAllah. There is so much for us to get into subhanAllah. It feels amazing doesn't it? I feel deprived looking at these photos, that I wasn't able to do anything. InshaAllah I'll keep that site and check it out and see if there's anything I can do. MashaAllah a beautiful project, those little ones are adorable. May Allah accept our intentions and efforts, ameen.
At 6:42 AM,
Assalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh,
Masha'Allah sister, how wonderful! I love the photo of the girls all sitting there in their hijabs; they look beautiful! May Allah give all those girls love, iman and happiness in their lives, ameen. May Allah reward you abundantly for your efforts ameen!
Umm Ibrahim
At 3:09 AM, Mona Zenhom
At 5:24 AM,
At 6:56 AM,
Assalamu alaikum
JAMEEL!!! SubhanAllah. Such joy for all. May this be translated into the ultimate joy of being in the Eternal Garden for all who were involved in this project, for the girls and all associated with the orphanage. Ameen.
And a huge JAZAKILLAHU KHAIRAN to you for initiating all these projects!
Wassalamu alaikum
At 1:42 PM,
At 6:52 PM, Sketched Soul
Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters and brother,
Wow.. I'm so behind on my comments! Jazakum'Allahu khair for all the lovely dua's and feedback, much appreciated.
Umm Travis: Ameen. So wonderful to see you. I pray Allah accepts our efforts.
Lightnur: Ameen. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Baraka'Allahu feeki.
Umm Yusuf: Ameen. AlhumduliLlah, nothing can happen without Allah.. and I'm so grateful we can make a difference, even if it's a little. It definitely feels amazing! May Allah reward you for your good intentions. Ameen.
strangerinthisdunya: Ameen. Ameen. Always nice to see you! And thank you for the tag.. appreciate it very much, I will get to it soon, insha'Allah.
UmmAbdullah: AlhumduliLlah, they sure do :)
Bosnian hijab girl: Thank you. It's unfortunate I can't get pictures of the other orphanages we've sent dolls to, but am grateful we have these, alhumduliLlah.
Mona: Ameen. Jazaki'Allahu khair for visiting me! :D
Najeeba: Ameen. Thank you so very much for making the intention to keep them in your prayers. May Allah reward you. Ameen. So nice to have you visit me, insha'Allah I shall check things out at your end soon.
Umm Bilal: Ameen. My dearest sister, I'm always lost for words reading your lovely posts/comments/emails :D Barak'Allahu feeki.
Rainbow In The Grey Sky: Ameen. Thank you so much for visiting me! AlhumduliLlah, I am so glad it has made you feel happy as well.
dubai guy: Ameen. Great to see you here.. and still blogging..haha Jazak'Allahu khair.
Thank you everyone, especially for the prayers. May Allah accept your dua's and grant you the BEST in this world and in the next. Ameen.
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
At 3:35 PM, Sketched Soul
At 9:25 PM, Hajar Alwi
ma shaa Allah! I am thoroughly impressed and inspired with all your efforts, and may Allah guide you, help you and bless you in all your endeavours...ameen!