God willing Ramadaan will be here soon.. and then you'll be thinking about gifts! Here's a head start in sending something special to one of your sisters this Eid.

Details of swap: Each participant will suggest 4 items for our scavenger hunt list. Once you are assigned a partner you will receive the master list - from there, you need to send 10 gifts. EACH gift must represent a different item listed.
Here are my four you will see on the list:
1) Something local
2) Something camo/military pattern
3) Something Islamic
4) Something with your partner's first initial
Participants allowed: International (females only).
Ages allowed: All ages.
Cost Limit: None.
1) Sent out gift- email me and your swap partner.
2) Received gift - email me and your swap partner. (Send me pics, I'll put them up!)
Sign up due date: Monday August 3, 2009
Partners and list will be emailed to you on: Tuesday August 3, 2009
Gift must be mailed out by: Monday August 31, 2009
If you would like to participate, I will need to know the following information. (amtullah79@yahoo.ca) note: .ca NOT .com
Please email me the answers even if you have participated in a previous swap.
Name of swap: Ramadaan Swap Hunt
Blog url:
Email address:
Four items for the list:
Your real name:
Mailing address:
Do I and your swap partner have your permission to post pics of your gift:
How did you hear about this swap:
Participants to date:
Final List of Items:
Labels: swaps

At 7:29 PM, Sketched Soul
Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters,
Umm Hibaat, how are you? Haha.. yes, yes.. I know how the postal service is there.. I'm sorry.. I wish I could fix things. Just to clear things, we have to mail 10 gifts to only one sister :D *I hope that changes your mind about things..haha*
Heya' Washi! Jazaki'Allahu khair for the email, I am soooooo excited you are joining us this year! :D
Lots of Love
At 1:54 PM, Sketched Soul
At 8:57 AM,
At 5:09 PM, Sketched Soul
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters,
Ayesha, thank you for the questionnaire! Look forward to having you join use again. Insha'Allah it will be a means to getting to know another sister better, and building a strong friendship.
Umm Hibaat! I'm so excited you're in! Look forward to hearing from you :D
Insha'Allah I shall check out your blog. I'm not good at keeping up with tags.. but I get to them 'eventually'..lol Thank you! :D
Love Farhana
At 6:30 PM, Sketched Soul
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest Maria,
Ramadaan Mubarak!
I wondered where you'd gone... haven't heard from you in a while. I pray all is well at your end.
Aww, I'm sorry you missed the swap - maybe sign up for the newsletter (http://sketchedsoul.blogspot.com/2007/04/swaps-projects.html) so you'll know as soon as a new one is out, insha'Allah.
Insha'Allah we'll have a Winter swap around December.
Take care
Love Farhana
Assalaamu Alaykum dear Farhana,
What a great swap idea!!! I would really like to take part but the postal service here is not on my side! Especially if we're mailing out to 10 sisters. In sha Allah another time! Looking forward to see how this one goes and seeing pics!
Umm Hibaat