I truly love animals.. I do, and the more I learn about them the more fascinated I am at how Allah has created such astounding creatures, subhan'Allah.
With all the incredible creatures out there, I have a great fondness for goats! Yes.. goats.. you read right. (Stop laughing.. I never ever claimed to be 'normal'). Which is why out of the many petitions I would have liked to share with you, I've chosen this one.
It's about a new drug (called ATryn) that comes from the milk of genetically modified goats.
Scientists in New England have developed transgenic goats that posses a human gene. This gene makes the goats produce human proteins in their milk, and this protein forms the basis of the ATryn drug.
By putting human genes into goats, bio-engineers are turning helpless animals into mere drug factories. Fewer than 10 out of every 100 animals injected with the human gene while still in their mother's womb will be able to produce the altered milk. The other baby goats bred for drug production are killed immediately. What's more, some "successful" transgenic baby goats develop severe birth defects that scientists don't understand.
.. things like this make me sick! The whole process is cruel (which makes it unIslamic in my view) and they don't even know how safe it is for humans! Yaaay..
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At 12:19 AM,
At 4:46 AM,
At 5:24 PM, Sketched Soul
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu
Hey Nas, a pleasure to have you visit me, jazak'Allahu khair. I totally hear that!.. I wonder the same things. I can definitely come up with my own conclusions, but it would nice to hear what is actually acceptable from learned (trusted) scholars.
My dearest Maryam, jazaki'Allahu khair for the comment and signing the petition. All we have to do is look around to realize just how true your statement is!
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
At 1:22 PM, Sketched Soul
Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister Aalia,
Jazaki'Allahu khair for adding me to your favourites, I appreciate it very much.
Tabarak'Allah, it's wonderful to meet someone else who loves animals! Yes, I like watching documentaries as well. I've watched a few parts of The Life of Mammmals, and I agree... it's all very amazing! Thank you for the reminder, I should really try and check out the rest of it.
Love Farhana
At 5:01 PM, Sketched Soul
Ma'salama sister,
You know, this sort of thing has always really made me curious. The halal bounds of biogenetics.
Whether it's stem cell research, or synthetic organs for the body... I mean, how far are we allowed to go?
Interesting to ponder. :[ I feel sorry for the goats though.