Swaps & Projects
Saturday, April 21, 2007
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu
Any sisters or brothers who are interested in receiving a newsletter about new swaps (for children and adults), give-aways & projects, as well as updates on current swaps & projects please fill in the form below. This newsletter will only go out when needed (i.e: no spam)
Insha'Allah I will be posting a new swap soon, and will no longer be emailing individuals separately, so sign up!
If you have any ideas about future swaps and projects, please feel free to email me at amtullah79@yahoo.ca
Any sisters or brothers who are interested in receiving a newsletter about new swaps (for children and adults), give-aways & projects, as well as updates on current swaps & projects please fill in the form below. This newsletter will only go out when needed (i.e: no spam)
Insha'Allah I will be posting a new swap soon, and will no longer be emailing individuals separately, so sign up!

Your site is one of the cutest and most fun blogs I have run across. I used to do all that fun stuff when my kids were little and I so enjoyed being a mom! Best regards to all Sisters.
Your Sister in Islam
Habibi Matrimonials