No person has to actually experience life on the streets to know the difficulties and challenges you'd have to face. Unfortunately there are so many who have no other choice but to go through these challenges. With tempretures hitting below -15°C, the streets of Toronto can be deadly.
God willing, our little contribution will make a difference for some, this winter.

note: Project due date is changed to February 4th, 2008
Details of project: Send in as many winter scarves as you can before February 4th. They can be crocheted, knitted, bought, and/or sewn (making sure they can be used in very cold tempretures). Please make sure they are adult size. You may also add a tag saying who it is made by.Other ways to help:
:: Post the banner (on my side bar) on your site linked to this post.
:: Inform family, friends, co-workers, and classmates about this project.
:: Buy yarn for someone you know who knits/crochets and ask them to help out.
:: Pray for those who are less-fortunate.
How they are delievered: These will be wrapped and individually handed out to those on the streets of Toronto (Ontario, Canada), with a packed meal. This will be done through my dear brothers and sisters of "Feed The Streets". And 'extras' may be given to a homeless shelter for distribution. I especially encourage those who live in Toronto to participate!
Participants allowed: International
Ages allowed: All ages.
Cost Limit: None.
If you would like to help, please email ( me for an address where you can mail the scarves.
Labels: help

At 4:10 PM,
At 4:44 PM, Sketched Soul
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dear Anonymous,
The scarf project isn't through any organization (it's just me, you and whoever else joins), but we are working with Feed The Streets, a group in Toronto who hand out food almost every month. (May Allah reward them abunduntly. Ameen.) They are willing to hand out the scarves, insha'Allah.
I hope that answers your question.
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
At 1:22 AM, Digital Nomad
Assalaamu'Alaykum wa rahmatullah, sweet sister!
Oh, MashaAllah, I really really like this project! It's a stunningly beautiful idea, and inshaAllah I am going to put a link to this project soon on my blog. I hope I can participate, may not have time to knit, but inshaAllah to sew somethings in fleece might work?
Lotsa Love!
Assalaamu Alaikum,
I love this idea and since I missed out on the bag swap, I really want to participate in this. I'll email you shortly insha'Allah. Also, there are great scarf ideas - - for a sewn patchwork scarf that can be sized for an adult, - for knitted patterns - for crocheted scarf patterns. - this is a cool neckwarmer pattern.
Hope this helps if anyone's interested.
At 9:46 AM, Sketched Soul
Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my two very dear sisters,
Jazak'Allah for stopping by.
Digital, thank you for adding the link to you blog, very much appreciated. Yes a fleece one should work out great too, insha'Allah. I pray you are able to be one of our contributors. :)
Robyn, ooh so many patterns! Thank you so much.. I shall be checking these out for sure. Insha'Allah I hope you will join us! :)
May Allah reward you all for your good intentions. Ameen.
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
At 8:11 PM,
dear sister farhana,
i am so proud of you, masha'Allah tabarakAllah. it takes dedication and love for Allah to do what you do. you are a good example for the rest of us who should be trying to help others with the talents that Allah blesses us with. i sincerely pray that Allah rewards you and grants you jannah as you help others and motivate others to do the same.
bara'Allah feeki ukhti..
At 11:34 AM,
Asalaamu alikum wa rahamatullah
This is a really inspirational post.
I've started a new series on my blog called Random acts of kindness. Readers are welcome to submit their random acts of kindness to be published on the blog.
Please do come over and visit.
Don't be sad
At 1:34 PM, Sketched Soul
I really like machine embroidery projects and think that they are the best things to do for my kids and they love having machine embroidery projects themselves.
Masha'Allah great initiative, who's the association/organization working on this?