Unfortunately, Canada has a vast number of people living in poverty. Those suffering the most, are our Aboriginal children. It is heart breaking to see anyone suffer, moreover when it's a child in our own 'backyard.'

Details of project: Help put together Care Bags for our Aboriginal children living in poverty. Our goal is to put 48 bags together.
Can you sew? Please help make totes. You may make them however you wish, I just ask you keep the handle small (for safety reasons), and make the bag big enough to fit a standard size colouring book. Pattern suggestion: Basic Tote
Can you shop? These are the NEW items we need:
Other ways to help:
:: Know someone who can sew? Buy them some fabric to sew a few bags.
:: Ask businesses if they'll donate items.
:: Please post the banner (on my side bar) on your site, linked to this post.
:: Inform family, friends, co-workers, and classmates about this project.
:: Pray for those who are less fortunate.
How they will be delivered: These will be personally delivered by me to an organization here (in Canada) that helps Aboriginal children.
Participants allowed: International.
Ages allowed: All ages.
Young participants: Encouraged to send in cards/drawings to include in the bag.
Cost Limit: None.
Due Date: Monday July 13, 2009 - or until all items are collected. I will update the site as items are donated.
If you would like to help, please email (amtullah79@yahoo.ca) me for an address where you can mail the items.
Labels: help

Assalaamu Alaikum lovely sister Farhana,
You should change your blog name to "kindsoul" :-)
My dad always used to preach to us that when making sadaqaat we should do so close to home...in our neighbourhood, family and community. I live by that rule and good to see you do too masha'Allah. May the Almighty bless your and all participants endevours with this worthy cause insha'Allah.
Busy with some projects on this end as well...here the poverty is so tangible...all around...our masjid does their bit but can you ever do enough?
At 7:51 AM, Sketched Soul
Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters,
Safiyyah, thank you so much for stopping by, and for your wonderful intention to help. Yes, you certainly may contribute money, I shall insha'Allah email you details.
Umm Omar! Oh thank you so much.. that would be a very big help. I think the hardest thing about this project is getting the totes, so I appreciate it very much. Look forward to hearing from you, insha'Allah.
Washi.. haha, jazaki'Allahu khair for the lovely comment. Your dad is correct! Although I try to reach different parts of the world with the projects, I definitely do not forget to help those here as well. If there is anything I can do to help at your end, please let me know. :D
Lots of Love
assalamu alaykum,
I'm looking at your shopping list. Great stuff for kids.
Not many people know about Chapmans kids. No, I'm not advertising for the company :) . You accumulate points by playing games, and then you can redeem them for prizes. They Coloring sets - includes coloring books and markers, among other things.
here's the link: http://www.kidsclub.ca/fast/english/games.asp
You are awarded 35 points for logging in - every 24 hours. Register. Get your kids to play - they have both fun and educational games. And at the end, donate the prizes to a good cause.
At 9:19 AM, Sketched Soul
At 1:39 PM, Sketched Soul
At 6:31 AM,
Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters,
Hey Ash, lovely to see you! Thank you. Humm, maybe you could help in others ways.. like praying, informing others, etc. I shall check out the drawing, insha'Allah.
Hollie, thank you so much for dropping by. And I very much appreciate you keeping it in your prayers :D
Love Farhana
At 7:29 AM, Roving Soul
At 1:13 PM, Sketched Soul
At 9:20 AM, Sketched Soul
Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,
Maryam.. please please forgive me for not getting to this. AlhumduliLlah, I am so happy you were able to find my blog again :D and even happier that now I get to know you!
Anonymous.. yes, yes.. you are more than welcome to still send stuff. I've moved the 'hopeful deadline' to sometime July, insha'Allah.. so please email (amtullah79@yahoo.ca) me if you need my address, etc. If you are in Toronto we might be able to work something out.
Take care
Love Farhana
Assalamu Alaikum my dearest Farhana.. here's a sneak peak at the bags until you are able to hold them in your hands! Which should be soon inshaAllah -sorry I haven't been able to deliver them yet, inshaAllah I will see if one of the sister's is available for me to drop off tuesday or wednesday. http://handmadebeginnings.blogspot.com/2009/07/12-sweet-totebags.html
As Salaamu Alaikum Dear Sister:
Is there a way we can contribute money to your project? Shipping to Canada from the US is very expensive. I'd rather you have the money than the postal service.
Please email me at Jihadlevine at yahoo dot com with an address, Insha Allah.