As most of my readers know, I usually share a cookie recipe a few days before Eid. And here it is!
I'm having a 'Princess Eid' this year.. and every castle needs some 'princess butterflies', I however couldn't find a cookie cutter (in my last minute baking) so I made one!
They are very easy to make (surprisingly), and sturdy enough to keep for future use (just make sure to only clean the foil part).. it's also GREAT to be able to make any shape you want.
What you'll need:
- Image/template of cookie you want to make
- Scissors
- Glue
- Sturdy cardboard
- Packaging tape (or any strong tape)
- Heavy duty Aluminum Foil (the kind for bbq's)
- A little patience
Print out the "Butterfly Template". I've put two images, one is a little simpler and is 3". This cookie is 4" - which is a pretty big cookie.
Also note: if you'd like a shape for making cookies, and can't find one online.. I'd be happy to draw it out for you - just give me a few days notice.
Stick the template on cardboard. Make sure it's thick cardboard, that wouldn't bend easily.
Cut the image out.
Cut out a 12cm piece of foil, and fold it 6 times - so you have a 2cm thick line.
Here is where a little patience is needed (depending on how complicated your cookie shape is). You need to wrap the foil around the cardboard, taping it in place as your go.
You are now ready to test out your cookie cutter.
Roll-Out Cookie Dough
This is my favourite dough for rolling-out and cutting. It's easy to make, tastes good, and soft enough to be able to use a home-made cookie cutter.
Makes 22 (4" butterfly cookies)
1 cup butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 egg
2 tsp vanilla essence
2 3/4 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt (only if you used unsalted butter)
:: Cream the butter and sugar in a mixer.
:: Add the egg and vanilla - beat for another 2 mins.
:: Add the dry ingredients together - beat until dough is formed.
:: Do not refrigerate this dough!
:: Roll out to 1/8" thickness.
:: Cut out shapes, place on ungreased cookie tray.
:: Bake at 350F until edges are golden or 400F for 7 mins.
:: Once completely cool, decorate as desired. You can use a simple frosting - icing sugar and water - no butter so it dries faster, and coloured sugar.

At 1:13 PM, Sketched Soul
At 4:41 AM, Ummu Noora
At 4:42 AM, Ummu Noora
At 12:20 AM, Hajar Alwi
Assalamualaikum sis~!!!
It has been soooooooo looongg~!!!
Me want some COOKIES!!! Masha'Allah! Talk about having butterflies in the stomach ... :P
Love the cookie cutter idea. I keep misplacing mine, so I normally just use whatever I can grab a hold onto i.e glasses, stencil sets, trinket boxes. Haha!
Take care ya! Missed you lots!
At 1:14 PM, Sketched Soul
Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters
Forgive me for the delayed reply.. I finally have my computer working, alhumduliLlah
iMuslimah, I pray you had a lovely Eid!
Angeliquez, thank you for your kind words. I hope you get to try out the's easy, yet delicious.
Farzeen, oh.. so that's where all the cookies went! Glad you enjoyed them.
Hajar, yes yes... it has been soooooooo long! Insha'Allah I'll email you soon :D *because I love to bug you*
lol @ butterflies in the stomach - very cute, very creative
I'll make you cookies when you get here *grin*
Lotsa Love
At 4:03 PM, Sketched Soul
Masha'Allah, great stuff. I am hungry even though i just had iftar.