AlhumduliLlah, I actually had some time to sew this week! Here is a very simple pattern, for a pencil case. It is not my pattern, but my tutorial.. because I may need it for a future project, insha'Allah, so I made my own tutorial.
This pencil case is made with a suede fabric which goes with a messenger bag I made a while back, but I think it works much better with thicker (stiffer) fabric.
Fold the fabric in half (8.5" to 8.5"), and cut a 1.25" x 1.25" square at the bottom of each end (the folded end).
Mark 1" at the top of each side, and cut diagonally.
Decorate as desired. I used beads. You can also stencil something on. C'mon, be creative.
Open the zipper completely (so it is easier to sew.. without it in the way)
Press (or fold) a 1/4" in place on each top.
Sew first side down.
Mark where the fabric lines up.
Pin second side down (if you need to)
Sew second side down.
Close your zipper half way (so you'll be able to turn it inside out.)
Make sure right-sides are facing each other.
Sew sides down.
Cut extra zipper sticking out and serge (or zigzag) edges.
Flatten bottom opening and sew down.
Serge (or zigzag) edges.
Turn right way out, and fill with your favourite pencil crayons.

At 1:34 AM,
At 10:49 AM,
At 6:20 PM, Sketched Soul
Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sisters,
Jazaki'Allahum khair for taking the time to dropping by and leave your wonderrrrrrrful comments!
Dear Adikbongsu, I'm still learning.. slowly, but these days I don't find much time for any sort of 'craft'. Cross stitch is something I haven't done in years! Maybe one of these days :) And now I know who I can bother with any cross stitch help I may need :D
Maryam, lovely to see you here. Oh I am so happy you like it enough to consider purchasing it! I'd love for you to have it. Just email ( me your address, and I'll send it out insha'Allah. Maybe we can trade.. pencil case for a dua' :D
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
At 9:59 AM, Sketched Soul
At 3:10 PM, Sketched Soul
At 7:37 PM, Sketched Soul
At 8:12 AM, Sketched Soul
Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest Gulnarita,
Jazaki'Allahu khair :D
I hope you get the chance to try it out..I really look forward to seeing your pencil case. Subhan'Allah, I'm sure it will be so lovely.. I'm still in lala land thinking about all the other things you've made. Tabarak'Allah.
Love Farhana
Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
Masya'Allah, that is beautifully done. You really are good with sewing and very creative too! I love it.. :)
Me no good with sewing, only sewing I do is cross stitch..hehehe
Thank you for the demo though, very handy if I ever want to give it a try :)