2006 Eid Book Swap
Sunday, August 13, 2006

As-salaamu'alaykum Wa rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu
AlhumduliLlah, this would be the fourth year organizing and participating in an international Ramadaan/Eid swap, I pray it is not our last.
Details of swap: You will be given a short list of books your swap partner would like to receive. Purchase 1 book and 1 or 2 'goodies' to go with. Goodie(s) can be handmade or bought.
Note: Your partners book list if just for an idea on what to purchase, the final decision on what book you'd like to send is up to you. Books should be in English.
Just to give you some examples of books and 'goodies', you could send: a spice or two/ or handmade fridge magnets with a recipe book, a scarf with an Islamic book, knitting needles with a knitting book, supplies with a craft book, handmade bookmark with a novel, a toy with a kids book, etc.
Participants allowed: International (open to Females only!)
Ages allowed: All ages.
Cost Limit: Non.
- Inform me in the comments section, and your swap partner via email, when you have sent out your package and when you receive your package.
Sign up due date: Monday, August 28, 2006
Partners will be Posted on: Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Package HAS TO BE MAILED OUT by: September 30, 2006
If you would like to participate, I will need to know the following information. (amtullah79@yahoo.ca) note: .ca NOT .com
Please email me the answers even if you have participated in a previous swap.
Name of swap: Eid Book Swap
Blog name: (if applies)
Email address:
Your real name:
Mailing address:
City, State, Zip (country if needed):
4 Books you would like to receive: (be as detailed or as vague as you like)
Does your swap partner have your permission to post pics of your 'creation' (ie. on their blog):
How did you hear about this swap:
AlhumduliLlah, here is this years participants:
:: Hijabi Apprentice (sent) (received)
:: sketched soul (sent) (received)
:: The Egyptian's Wife (sent) (received)
:: Asma (sent) (received)
:: The Stolen Light (sent) (received)
:: Zebunisa (sent) (received)
:: Asiya (received) (sent)
:: Farzeen (received) (sent)
:: Those Days (sent) (received)
:: Zainab (received) (sent)
:: Under Water Light (received) (sent)
:: Thahira (sent)
I hope you all have fun, insha'Allah, and take this opportunity to build a new friendship.
Labels: swaps
posted by Sketched Soul at 6:54 PM | Permalink

At 5:05 PM, Sketched Soul
At 3:10 PM, Sketched Soul
At 4:50 PM, Sketched Soul
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,
I am so happy you enjoyed the Apple Pie 'Bread'..hehe :) Thank you very much for taking the time to let me know how they came out, very much appreciated.
I pray you enjoy the chocolate fudge cupcakes as well.
hehe.. well, I personally think Canada is the promised land compared to the states *grin* May Allah Most High, do what is best for you and your family. Ameen.
asalaamu alaikum sister. i would like to be apart of this so i will email you.