As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

In Islam, a gift is of extraordinary value.. not because of the cost, or the item, or the size.. but because it was given with good intentions.. be it just a smile, or kind word. Here is another chance to purify our intentions, by giving with an open heart and receiving with open arms.
Details of swap: List four items in the Comments section of what you are willing to send to someone (store bought or handmade), keeping the description vague (to keep it a surprise), include your email address.
The next person will tag you for one of your items (and email you with their mailing address), they will also put up a list of 4 more items, and their email address.
Note: You can only pick from the last person in line.
List 4 items (vague description). Include your email address.Next Person:
Tag you for one of your items. (email you with their address)List 4 items (vague description)Include email address.Keep it fun!
Participants allowed: International (open to Females only please).
Ages allowed: All ages.
Cost Limit: $3 maximum.
Gifts should be sent out within 2 weeks!!!Email ME ( once you receive AND send out something. I will keep record right on this post so others know what is going on. (2 weeks and no mention of shipping out, automatically puts you on the 'flakers' list).You can participate more than once.Note: If your post gets deleted (by me) it means you can not participate - because you haven't sent out a gift from previous swaps.
Sketched Soul - sentAishah Bey - sent (received)Umm Layth - sent (received)Adikbongsu - sent (received)Hafsa - sent (received)Al Miskeenah - sent (received)Sis Zabrina - sentIslamicGems - sent (received)Umm Hibaat - sent (received)Gulnarita - (received) sentUmmUmarNY - sent (received)IslamicGems - (received)
Labels: swaps
posted by Sketched Soul at 11:53 AM |
At 1:37 PM, Sketched Soul
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu.. goes,
I offer you:
:: Something sweet
:: Something you can decorate with
:: Something blue
:: Something you can write on
Email me at with your address once to pick one, and add 4.
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
At 4:02 PM, ZORRO
Assalamu'alaikum my dear,
..this one is going to be really fun, I'm sure!! Well, well... I have for you:
...pages and a sandal,
...finger/toe beads, helpers,
...thought keepers
and I pick the "something blue"...
keep well, and Salaams to everyone at home!!!
Love, Aishah Bey at
At 8:34 PM,
wa 'alaykum as Salamu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
My first time participating on your site. I couldn't really resist this one, masha'Allah.
I have:
:: Something that smells very good
:: Something very cute
:: Something green (maybe neon green)
:: Something lovely for a child
I pick... pages and a sandal.
My email addy is ummlayth @
Much love
At 5:39 AM,
Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakahtu,
Masya'Allah...this is fun and exciting. I'm all ready to participate. So here goes...
choose :
- for body
- for mind
- for soul
- for health
i pick...Something very cute
my email is
yours sincerely,
At 7:17 AM, Hafsa
assalamu alaykum,
I pick soemthing for the soul..
options i offer are:
1. something for a book
2. something for your hijab
3. something for your room
and 4. something for adornment
At 7:19 AM, Hafsa
and opps, my email's hafsa48 [a t] yahoo [d o t] c o m
At 12:05 PM,
Assalamu alaikum, You come up with the most amazing ideas dear sister Farhana! Alhudmulillah.
~something zany
~something repetitive
~something fragrant
~something beginning with b
And I choose something for adornment
My email
almadania [at] gmail [dot] com
Wassalamu alaikum
At 3:33 PM, Sis Zabrina
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Sisters *hugs*, this is absolutely fun! Ok, here's mine...
~ you can mark something with it
~ something that inspires you
~ you can hold something with it
~ something that you can look at
I would go for something zany!
My email is
Love, Hug and Salaam
Sis Zabrina
At 11:01 AM,
As Salaamu Alaikum:
This sounds like really fun. I am not that creative.
Best wishes,
At 1:42 PM, IslamicGems
Asalamu Alaikum,
I was looking through random blogs and came about this, i hope i can participate even though i don't know anyone :S
Humm..i can offer...
1- Something pink
2- Something red
3- Something blue
4- Something orange
and i choose "something that inspires you"
My email address is
At 9:38 PM, Fruitful Fusion
Assalaamu Alaykum,
Ok, let's give this a go then :)
I'm offering:
1) something hard
2) something soft
3) something traditional
4) something not (traditional)
And I'll have something blue. My email address is
Wassalaamu Alaykum.
At 2:19 PM, Hijabi Apprentice
LOL @ flakers! That's why I was unable to participate; I don't want my name on the flaker's list! hehehe
ma'a salaamah,
At 12:54 AM,
Salams! I was hesitating because I was trying to figure out what little things I could contribute. Anyway I do want to participate now! Here's my stuff:
1) Something to hang
2) Something with a string
3) Something with lace
4) Something with straps
I pick hafsa's "Something for your room" ;)
my email is gulibaran [at] gmail [dot] com
a bit nervous cause i hope i can do it well.
At 10:46 AM, J Lev
Farhanita! Sorry about the mix up. Please delete the above comment cause I'm unable to! :P Here's the correct entry:
I have -
1) Something to hang
2) Something with a string
3) Something with lace
4) Something with a strap
I pick Umm Hibaat's "something traditional".
At 7:09 PM, ZORRO
I think it's time to get this swap "running" again!!! I'll pick Gulnari's "something with a strap", and I have, for whomever is interested...
1- something 'refreshing'...
2- something 'creamy'...
3- something 'mango'...
4- something 'bubbly'...
Oh, and my email is
At 1:00 PM, IslamicGems
Asalaamu Alaikum,
Inshallah all is well with you, Second time participating :).
I choose: something bubbly
and i offer:
1-something shiny
2-something flowy
3-something blue
4-something feminine
My email address is
At 7:16 PM,
Assalam alaikum
This is so kind. I could no resist.
I choose: something shiny
I offer:
1. Something Islamic to read
2. something "quilled"
3. something to wear at your wrist
4. something to put in a book
Happy Ramadan.
At 12:26 PM, Kristy
Assallamu Alaykum,
This is my first time participating.
I Chose 2. Something "quilled" (sounds fabulous!)
It's so exciting!!
I offer:
1. Something you wear
2. Something handmade
3. Something smelly
4. Something you read
My email address is:
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu.. goes,
I offer you:
:: Something sweet
:: Something you can decorate with
:: Something blue
:: Something you can write on
Email me at with your address once to pick one, and add 4.
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana