As Cute As A Button
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu
Aren't they cute?!? These are for The Muslimah Doll Project. AlhumduliLlah, I found it pretty easy to sew their dress.. especially considering they have a chubby little body. Insha'Allah these two will make their way to Ethiopia.
The project is still open for anyone who would like to join us.

We already have some dolls in the album below which you can check out. Masha'Allah! Thank you to all the sisters who are participating in this project.
Aren't they cute?!? These are for The Muslimah Doll Project. AlhumduliLlah, I found it pretty easy to sew their dress.. especially considering they have a chubby little body. Insha'Allah these two will make their way to Ethiopia.
The project is still open for anyone who would like to join us.
We already have some dolls in the album below which you can check out. Masha'Allah! Thank you to all the sisters who are participating in this project.
May Allah Most High, give you success in this world and in the next. Ameen.