Save The Masjid
Friday, February 22, 2008
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu
Do we really need a motivational post to give ten dollars? Is that sad if we do? A whole ten dollars (that's $10.00).. surely we can bring ourselves to part with that much.
The building where the downtown mosque, Masjid Manhattan, is located has been sold. The new owner wants the place vacated by March 31, 2008. Our brothers and sisters need our support to buy a new building.

Established more than 25 years ago, the Masjid serves approximately fifteen hundred Muslims who work in near City Hall, Wall Street and the World Trade Center.
There is no place available for lease that would accommodate the large number of worshippers in the area; therefore, buying a building is the only option. The community has raised half the necessary money for the down payment but needs help with the rest.
Time is running out for March 31st deadline.
The goal is to reach 500 thousand people in the US and Canada who can pay 10 dollars each.
1. Make a cheque or money order payable to: Masjid Manhattan
(indicate the project you are donating to in the memo of your cheque)
Masjid Manhattan
P.O. Box 3432
Church Street Station,
New York, NY 10008
2. Online Donation:
3. Let others know about this.
4. Make Dua' to Allah that He saves this masjid.
Do we really need a motivational post to give ten dollars? Is that sad if we do? A whole ten dollars (that's $10.00).. surely we can bring ourselves to part with that much.
The building where the downtown mosque, Masjid Manhattan, is located has been sold. The new owner wants the place vacated by March 31, 2008. Our brothers and sisters need our support to buy a new building.

Established more than 25 years ago, the Masjid serves approximately fifteen hundred Muslims who work in near City Hall, Wall Street and the World Trade Center.
There is no place available for lease that would accommodate the large number of worshippers in the area; therefore, buying a building is the only option. The community has raised half the necessary money for the down payment but needs help with the rest.
The goal is to reach 500 thousand people in the US and Canada who can pay 10 dollars each.
1. Make a cheque or money order payable to: Masjid Manhattan
(indicate the project you are donating to in the memo of your cheque)
Masjid Manhattan
P.O. Box 3432
Church Street Station,
New York, NY 10008
2. Online Donation:
3. Let others know about this.
4. Make Dua' to Allah that He saves this masjid.
May Allah Most High grant us with the means and ability to save this Masjid, and may He Most Merciful continue to bless this Ummah. Ameen.
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