Update - 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh
Well... I'm not dead.. although my blog speaks otherwise. Sorry to those who have dropped by and see no progress, if it makes a difference.. my non-net life (yes I have one) is busy.

Anyway, I'd like to first thank a few people, forgive me if I missed anyone:
DG Diary, for the lovely post and email.
Roving Soul, (love the name) I did read your post about 'best blogs' and have no words to explain how much it touched me. It came at a very perfect time in my life. You should be 'Roving Angel'.
A Voice In The Clouds, for all the lovely tags - forgive me for not getting to them.
Al-Miskeenah, for the touching email - as always.
Prism of Thoughts, for taking the time to wish me "Salam Maal Hijrah".
Stranger In The Dunya, for 'missing me' - I miss you too, especially when I make basbousa..haha
Making Memories, for reminding me about the good my blog has done - hence me posting today, insha'Allah WE can carry-on helping others.
To wrap up: The Delicioso Swap was excellent! AlhumduliLlah. We didn't have many participants, but some of the most wonderful sisters joined. Here are a few posts on how it went, with pictures!
Crushing Cardamoms
Delicioso Swap & Syndrome Tudung MekTwain
Thank you sisters, for joining and making it possible to bring sisters together.
Warning: Although I usually try and look past things, I'd like to discuss swaps with YOU, (feedback very welcome!). I'd like to tell you every swap has gone as smoothly as the last, and everyone happily receives their gift.. unfortunately I can't! I've been running swaps and projects way before this blog (5 + years).. and I'm still shocked every time a sister gets left out. I'm not talking about, "I sent it, but it didn't make it", "I had some problems, so I'll have to send it later" - that's all fine. Am I missing something? Am I doing something wrong? Do people really have the heart to take something without giving back? (don't answer this one). In the last month, I've already had sisters asking to join a swap - I'm a little lost if it's worth it. It's almost laughable (I'm not laughing) that the main intention for each swap is bring sisters closer, and yet we end up doing the opposite.
------ alrighty my rant is over, I'd still like to hear your thoughts.
This year I'd like to run more projects, insha'Allah. For now, I'm collecting money for milk powder to be sent to Gaza. A brother is going to purchase the milk powder in Syria and take it to Gaza, may Allah make it possible. If anyone is interested - money can be sent via paypal (amtullah79@yahoo.ca) before January 30th, 2009. I don't like projects where I have to collect funds, but this opportunity just came up. Insha'Allah in the future we'll try helping those in Gaza through different projects, in the meantime.. please, please keep them all in your prayers.
Jazaki'Allahu khair for visiting me.
Well... I'm not dead.. although my blog speaks otherwise. Sorry to those who have dropped by and see no progress, if it makes a difference.. my non-net life (yes I have one) is busy.

Anyway, I'd like to first thank a few people, forgive me if I missed anyone:
DG Diary, for the lovely post and email.
Roving Soul, (love the name) I did read your post about 'best blogs' and have no words to explain how much it touched me. It came at a very perfect time in my life. You should be 'Roving Angel'.
A Voice In The Clouds, for all the lovely tags - forgive me for not getting to them.
Al-Miskeenah, for the touching email - as always.
Prism of Thoughts, for taking the time to wish me "Salam Maal Hijrah".
Stranger In The Dunya, for 'missing me' - I miss you too, especially when I make basbousa..haha
Making Memories, for reminding me about the good my blog has done - hence me posting today, insha'Allah WE can carry-on helping others.
To wrap up: The Delicioso Swap was excellent! AlhumduliLlah. We didn't have many participants, but some of the most wonderful sisters joined. Here are a few posts on how it went, with pictures!
Crushing Cardamoms
Delicioso Swap & Syndrome Tudung MekTwain
Thank you sisters, for joining and making it possible to bring sisters together.
Warning: Although I usually try and look past things, I'd like to discuss swaps with YOU, (feedback very welcome!). I'd like to tell you every swap has gone as smoothly as the last, and everyone happily receives their gift.. unfortunately I can't! I've been running swaps and projects way before this blog (5 + years).. and I'm still shocked every time a sister gets left out. I'm not talking about, "I sent it, but it didn't make it", "I had some problems, so I'll have to send it later" - that's all fine. Am I missing something? Am I doing something wrong? Do people really have the heart to take something without giving back? (don't answer this one). In the last month, I've already had sisters asking to join a swap - I'm a little lost if it's worth it. It's almost laughable (I'm not laughing) that the main intention for each swap is bring sisters closer, and yet we end up doing the opposite.
------ alrighty my rant is over, I'd still like to hear your thoughts.
This year I'd like to run more projects, insha'Allah. For now, I'm collecting money for milk powder to be sent to Gaza. A brother is going to purchase the milk powder in Syria and take it to Gaza, may Allah make it possible. If anyone is interested - money can be sent via paypal (amtullah79@yahoo.ca) before January 30th, 2009. I don't like projects where I have to collect funds, but this opportunity just came up. Insha'Allah in the future we'll try helping those in Gaza through different projects, in the meantime.. please, please keep them all in your prayers.
Jazaki'Allahu khair for visiting me.
Labels: reflection