I'm It!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh

Ah yes, another tag. Thank you sweet Hajar for adding me to your tagged list. - you totally spoil me with all your lovely words.

1. Do you think you are hot? - smokin'! Hajar.. how did you want me to answer this? *grin*

2. Upload your favourite picture of you. - erm.. no it's not hijabified

3. Why do you like that picture? - 'gym rat' days :D

4) When was the last time you ate pizza? - this morning, for breakfast

5) The last song you listened to? - AlBorosie - 'Gal Dem'

6) What are you doing right now besides this? - replying email

7) What name would you prefer besides yours? - humm.. haven't thought about it - I like names with a meaning that reflects the person

8) People To Tag :
i. Hijabi Apprentice
ii. Crafty Muslimah
iii. Prism of thoughts
iv. Al Miskeenah
v. DG Diary

9) Who is number one? - The first blogger I ever visited, and totally digg :D

10) Number three is having a relationship with? - Her husband (I hope.. haha) *grin*

11) Say something about number five? - Onea' the few males on my list.. and a nice one :)

12) How about number four? - Holds a special place in my heart :)

13) Who is number two? - a crafty Muslimah!! doesn't get better then that! :D


posted by Sketched Soul at 8:19 AM | Permalink 9 comments
Double Swap - Gifts
Friday, May 22, 2009
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh

Ahh... another awesome swap, they get a little addictive.. haha.

Here are the lovely participants, and their take on the swap. Check out the links - see all the fun you missed! I'll update as gifts come in.

Umm Nassim
- Gift Received

Umm Salihah
- Gift Received
- 'Persian Girls' Book Review
'The Saffron Kitchen' Book Review

Gift Received

Umm Bilal
- Gift Received

- Gift Received

  • Umm Obaidah
  • Razzberry
  • Teeya
  • Hijabi Apprentice
  • Mommy2h
  • Sarah

    And here is what I got!
    Well first.. let me tell you want I sent Hajar. The BFG by Roald Dahl.. yes, it's one of my favourite books, because it's the one that made me 'love' reading. If you've never read it.. you must.
  • Hajar was then to send me a gift that reflects the book I sent her. And here is my 'little bag of dreams'. So many lovely things, from a gorgeous bookmark, to a mirror that will show me my future husband (apparently) (hopefully it's blank *big grin*), she couldn't fit giants in.. so she opted for their pets (the cute cats you see), a batik scarf, and a handmade box, bag and key chain!

    Thank you so very, very much Hajar, everything is wonderful! Now I'm going to Malaysia.. haha especially after teasing me with the Islamic Museum Guide!

    And thank you to all those that participate! Look forward to having you join us again, insha'Allah.


    posted by Sketched Soul at 8:27 AM | Permalink 4 comments
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