Ramadaan Ark
Saturday, September 08, 2007
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu
It feels like we just celebrated Eid, and here is.. Ramadaan around the corner once again, alhumduliLlah. Last year I had made a Ramadaan Surprise Box for my nephews, which they absolutely loved! I really recommend making something of this nature for your child(ren) or others you may know. This year I decided to make them something similiar.
I love the story of Prophet Nuh (alayhis salaam), and insha'Allah this little ark will be a means for the boys to learn more about him.

The box is for two boys, so it's divided in the center. Each side is filled with different little items, like stickers, candy, balloons, a ball, other toys, etc. I found a lot of things at Party Packagers, and the Dollar Store (this is in Canada). Suggestions for places in the States are welcome, for the sake of other readers. On the side of the ark is a little calendar, each day they pull a page off, read the little blurb and each pick out a toy from their ark door. The 'blurb' is a mixture of information about Ramadaan, Eid and Prophet Nuh (alayhis salaam).
The actual constructing of the ark was very easy. The main box that holds the candy/toys is a jumbo cereal box. The 'wood' is drawer liner you can by at any kitchen or dollar store. The animals are finger puppets and the roof/stairs are sticks from my back yard.
For other Ramadaan box ideas, check out Ummlayla's blog. She made a wonderful fabric one last year, and has a different one planned for this year, insha'Allah, which I look forward to reading about.
It feels like we just celebrated Eid, and here is.. Ramadaan around the corner once again, alhumduliLlah. Last year I had made a Ramadaan Surprise Box for my nephews, which they absolutely loved! I really recommend making something of this nature for your child(ren) or others you may know. This year I decided to make them something similiar.
I love the story of Prophet Nuh (alayhis salaam), and insha'Allah this little ark will be a means for the boys to learn more about him.

A day or two before Ramadaan begins I'll read them the story of Prophet Nuh written by Saniyasnain Khan available at Goodword Books (in this series), and do a little lesson about it.

The box is for two boys, so it's divided in the center. Each side is filled with different little items, like stickers, candy, balloons, a ball, other toys, etc. I found a lot of things at Party Packagers, and the Dollar Store (this is in Canada). Suggestions for places in the States are welcome, for the sake of other readers. On the side of the ark is a little calendar, each day they pull a page off, read the little blurb and each pick out a toy from their ark door. The 'blurb' is a mixture of information about Ramadaan, Eid and Prophet Nuh (alayhis salaam).
The actual constructing of the ark was very easy. The main box that holds the candy/toys is a jumbo cereal box. The 'wood' is drawer liner you can by at any kitchen or dollar store. The animals are finger puppets and the roof/stairs are sticks from my back yard.
For other Ramadaan box ideas, check out Ummlayla's blog. She made a wonderful fabric one last year, and has a different one planned for this year, insha'Allah, which I look forward to reading about.