As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa BarakatuhThank you so much to all those that have tagged my in the past. I'm sorry I haven't got to some. Before I get any further behind, here is one from my dear sister
Favorite color: Olive Green & Burnt Orange.
Favorite perfume (guys): Anything that doesn't smell fruity (like some of the men these days... haha).
Favorite perfume (girls): Can't pick.
Pj brand: ? Are you serious?
Any Favorite clothes brand in general: I don't care for brand-anything.
Favorite person in the entire world: You, of course
Favorite country: One I haven't visited.
Favorite car: Most cars 'suped up.
Favorite sport: Bodybuilding (it's a sport). Okay... Hockey.
Favorite sport player/fighter: Ray & Schlierkamp.
Favorite spot in Southern Africa: Anywhere you can fish.
Favorite animal: Cheetah & Ibex
Favorite movie (Indian): ?? Don't watch any.
Favorite movie (American): Scarface, Shrek, and yes.. I really liked Lord Of The Rings.
Favorite singer: Does Santana count?
Favorite day in the week: Monday, because it's quiet.
Favorite time of the day: Evening, when I can read.
Favorite holiday season: Hibernating season (I'd say.. that starts around Nov.)
Favorite number: 1979 because that's all I can remember.
Favorite food: If I must narrow it down - Poutine.
Favorite chocolate: Something with caramel.
Favorite cartoon: 'Speedy Gonzales', 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles', 'Peep And The Big Wide World' - I could definitely list more.
Favorite blogger: You, because you're actually reading this.
Favorite Flavor Ice Cream: Cookies and Cream.
Mobile Brand: Don't own one. Yaaay!
Favorite name (girl): ...I don't have one.
Favorite name (boy): Armando.
Favorite hobby: That depends on the day.
Favorite room in my house: The kitchen - where all the food is!
Favorite Fruit: You.. and strawberries are good too.
Favorite Flower: Frangipani & Orchid.
Favourite Ayah from the Qu'ran: The verse of the Throne.
Favourite DRINK: Why is 'drink' in uppercase? should I be saying something like Bacardi?
And now you know a little too much about me.
I suppose I should tag someone... how about we make this a little fun. Who ever does this
before Monday February 23, 2009.. I'll put your name in for a draw. Winner of course gets something. So just leave me a comment and link to your Favourites post.
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