Honest Scrap Tag
Sunday, July 26, 2009
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh
I've been tagged by my dearest sister Umm Hibaat! Thank you for thinking of me.

Conditions of this award are:
Tell your readers 10 things about you that they may or may not know, but are true. Tag ten people with the award, and be sure to let them know they have been tagged (a quick comment on their blog will do). Don’t forget to link back to the blogger who tagged you.
Oh my... humm... 10 huh? 3 not enough?
1) I prefer cooking withOUT exact measurements, even if I've never made the dish before.. ha!
2) I'm very punctual, alhumduliLlah - and I think it's inconsiderate to plan events assuming everyone is going to be late!
3) I'm attempting to learn Spanish - but I usually don't finish what I start *grin*
4) I don't like shopping - I know, I know..what's wrong with me?!
5) I prefer to eat with chopsticks instead of a fork.
6) I collect boxes - I don't know why.. I just LIKE them, and they like me.. and that's all that counts!
7) I like reading blogs where I can learn something - even if it's once in a while.
8) I get really happy when a Muslimah (that I don't know) answers my salaam - or even better says salaam to me first!
9) Two children have been named after me - insha'Allah that's a good thing.. lol
10) I find cook books fascinating - I can read them from cover to cover.
I tag: - Don't feel obligated to do it, I know not everyone likes tags.
Islamic Unit Studies Yaney Handmade Beginnings Hijabi Apprentice A Wayfarer's Journey Shaalom 2 Salaam The Muslim Homeschooler Made By Claire Chasing Jannah Angeliquez
I've been tagged by my dearest sister Umm Hibaat! Thank you for thinking of me.

Conditions of this award are:
Tell your readers 10 things about you that they may or may not know, but are true. Tag ten people with the award, and be sure to let them know they have been tagged (a quick comment on their blog will do). Don’t forget to link back to the blogger who tagged you.
Oh my... humm... 10 huh? 3 not enough?
1) I prefer cooking withOUT exact measurements, even if I've never made the dish before.. ha!
2) I'm very punctual, alhumduliLlah - and I think it's inconsiderate to plan events assuming everyone is going to be late!
3) I'm attempting to learn Spanish - but I usually don't finish what I start *grin*
4) I don't like shopping - I know, I know..what's wrong with me?!
5) I prefer to eat with chopsticks instead of a fork.
6) I collect boxes - I don't know why.. I just LIKE them, and they like me.. and that's all that counts!
7) I like reading blogs where I can learn something - even if it's once in a while.
8) I get really happy when a Muslimah (that I don't know) answers my salaam - or even better says salaam to me first!
9) Two children have been named after me - insha'Allah that's a good thing.. lol
10) I find cook books fascinating - I can read them from cover to cover.
I tag: - Don't feel obligated to do it, I know not everyone likes tags.
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