Angry Coloring Page
Saturday, September 29, 2012
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

I know, I should be doing better things on a Saturday... *grin*
Anyway, I felt like drawing but not coloring.. so I'll leave that up to your little ones to do.
You should be able to just click on the image  (to enlarge) and print, if not, email me and I'd be happy to send you the file.

Teach children the importance of not getting mad and learning to be patient. It's such an important trait to control your anger, that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa-salaam) repeated it several times to the man asking for advice.

Happy coloring!

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posted by Sketched Soul at 2:44 PM | Permalink 2 comments
Cowboy Costume
Friday, September 28, 2012
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

One of the best gifts I've ever given my nephew is a "tickle trunk". A trunk filled with dress-up clothes. The beauty is I can add to it every year, other children enjoy it, they spend ours using their imagination and I get a kick out of making different outfits to add.

I've made this cowboy costumes four times. For these two guys, and the one in the tutorial were for two girls.

It's pretty simple to make, although you do need to know how to sew. They turned out better than expected.

It works best with a thick, stiff fabric... especially with the chaps. I used canvas since I have a never ending supply that I'm supposed to be painting..haha

Here is the tutorial:  Cowboy/girl Costume

Anyone who uses the tutorial, I'd love to get some feedback from you. I have a habit of condensing things.. so I'm not sure if there is enough info, etc.

I do not celebrate Halloween, before I get questions about that.  If anyone is interested is knowing more about why - this lecture is short and wonderful.

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posted by Sketched Soul at 3:07 PM | Permalink 0 comments
Cream Cheese Spirals
Friday, September 14, 2012
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu

It's been a while since I've posted a recipe... erm.. I've had a kitchen allergy the last few months. But what to do when you run outta your cookie supply..haha

Anyway, I'm sure they are many versions of this recipe..but this is mine, tweaked to my liking.
It's a fairly easy recipe, doesn't use too many ingredients, and looks pretty enough to serve to guest. Oh..and of course it's tasty, I don't post any recipe disaster on my site.

Makes 32

1 cup butter
1/2 cup cream cheese
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp maple essence (or vanilla essence)

2 cups flour

: : Beat all the above ingredients.
: : Add in the flour to make a dough
: : Divide the dough in half. If it's too soft, put it in the refrigerator for 15 mins.
: : Roll each ball into a circle (about the size of a dinner plate)

1 cup walnuts chopped finely
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 tblsp cinnamon powder

1 egg white

: : Mix the walnuts, sugar and cinnamon together
: : Brush the egg white on the dough rounds, and sprinkle with mix
: : Cut the dough in quarter, and then two more cuts in each quarter (i.e: so one round make 16)
: : Roll each piece - starting with the bigger side
: : Place on greased tray, egg tops of cookie and sprinkle with brown/white sugar (I used both)

: : Bake at 375 F .. for 15-20 minutes
: : Allow to cool and gobble them up - with some tea *swoon*


posted by Sketched Soul at 2:52 PM | Permalink 10 comments
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