Alleviation of Hunger
Thursday, February 19, 2009
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh

I'd like to share a wonderful site I happen to bump into yesterday, Blogger Aid!

Bloggers Uniting to Aid in the Alleviation of Hunger - how beautiful! I'm so happy people have taken the initiative to do something like this, and I pray it's a huge success.

Check out the site, please join in and help support them where you can, even if it's just passing on the word. At the moment a cookbook is being put together which you are more than welcome to join, deadline is the March 31st, 2009.

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posted by Sketched Soul at 8:58 AM | Permalink 12 comments
my favoUrites
Monday, February 09, 2009
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh

Thank you so much to all those that have tagged my in the past. I'm sorry I haven't got to some. Before I get any further behind, here is one from my dear sister Moon.

Favorite color: Olive Green & Burnt Orange.

Favorite perfume (guys): Anything that doesn't smell fruity (like some of the men these days... haha).

Favorite perfume (girls): Can't pick.

Pj brand: ? Are you serious?

Any Favorite clothes brand in general: I don't care for brand-anything.

Favorite person in the entire world: You, of course

Favorite country: One I haven't visited.

Favorite car: Most cars 'suped up.

Favorite sport: Bodybuilding (it's a sport). Okay... Hockey.

Favorite sport player/fighter: Ray & Schlierkamp.

Favorite spot in Southern Africa: Anywhere you can fish.

Favorite animal: Cheetah & Ibex

Favorite movie (Indian): ?? Don't watch any.

Favorite movie (American): Scarface, Shrek, and yes.. I really liked Lord Of The Rings.

Favorite singer: Does Santana count?

Favorite day in the week: Monday, because it's quiet.

Favorite time of the day: Evening, when I can read.

Favorite holiday season: Hibernating season (I'd say.. that starts around Nov.)

Favorite number: 1979 because that's all I can remember.

Favorite food: If I must narrow it down - Poutine.

Favorite chocolate: Something with caramel.

Favorite cartoon: 'Speedy Gonzales', 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles', 'Peep And The Big Wide World' - I could definitely list more.

Favorite blogger: You, because you're actually reading this.

Favorite Flavor Ice Cream: Cookies and Cream.

Mobile Brand: Don't own one. Yaaay!

Favorite name (girl): ...I don't have one.

Favorite name (boy): Armando.

Favorite hobby: That depends on the day.

Favorite room in my house: The kitchen - where all the food is!

Favorite Fruit: You.. and strawberries are good too.

Favorite Flower: Frangipani & Orchid.

Favourite Ayah from the Qu'ran: The verse of the Throne.

Favourite DRINK: Why is 'drink' in uppercase? should I be saying something like Bacardi?

And now you know a little too much about me.
I suppose I should tag someone... how about we make this a little fun. Who ever does this before Monday February 23, 2009.. I'll put your name in for a draw. Winner of course gets something. So just leave me a comment and link to your Favourites post.


posted by Sketched Soul at 12:50 PM | Permalink 10 comments
Children of Gaza
Sunday, February 01, 2009
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuh

All of us are well aware of what is going on in Gaza, I shall save you the details and images. If you can help in any way, please do so.

Details of project: Send in clothing and toys for the children of Gaza. Please make sure they are NEW. You may also add a note/card/letter.

Other ways to help:
:: Post the banner (on my side bar) on your site linked to this post.
:: Inform family, friends, co-workers, and classmates about this project.
:: Pray for those who are less-fortunate.

How they will be delievered: AlhumduliLlah we've finally found a way to get things into Gaza. Irfan Airway will be transporting everything for us to an area around Gaza (free) from there trucks will take it into Gaza, and there we have some brothers and sisters who will hand them out. (This is done through the organization Ummhat)

Participants allowed: International

Ages allowed: All ages.

Cost Limit: None.

All items must be in no later than February 14th, 2009. (sorry about the date change)

If you would like to help, please email ( me for an address where you can mail the clothing and/or toys. If you already know MY address, go ahead and mail it there.

Thank you.


posted by Sketched Soul at 8:11 AM | Permalink 12 comments
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