The Road To Mecca
Friday, October 30, 2009
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu
Now here is an awesome book.

Title: The Road To MeccaNow here is an awesome book.

Author: Muhammad Asad
Available: Thinkers Recourse
Type: Biography
What's it about? It's a travel narrative by Muhammad Asad, about his travels and experiences in the Middle East following his conversion to Islam.
Available: Thinkers Recourse
Type: Biography
What's it about? It's a travel narrative by Muhammad Asad, about his travels and experiences in the Middle East following his conversion to Islam.
Is it worth reading? I'm not sure why I like it SO much, but I do know there is nothing in it that I don't like. So check it out, it's definitely worth your time.
Is the book easy to understand? Well... yes. I think Muhammed is a brilliant writer!! I loved the style - one minute you're reading about some adventure, and the next minute it's the present journey.
Notable pages? A quote from a bedouin "If water stands motionless in a pool it grows stale and muddy, but when it moves and flows it becomes clear: so, too, man in his wanderings." (pg 48 - and throughout)
Notable pages? A quote from a bedouin "If water stands motionless in a pool it grows stale and muddy, but when it moves and flows it becomes clear: so, too, man in his wanderings." (pg 48 - and throughout)
Out of 5: 5 or more :D
Let me know what you think about the book!
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