Eid ... (floppy) cards
Friday, September 29, 2006
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu
I actually managed to finish making an Eid card for this year!! Every year the idea comes and then I have no idea where it goes, but it leaves no print. I decided I wanted it a little different (because I like different!) so I went with a whimsical look (kind of).. which you never find for Eid greetings, and I decided to make it a Postcard. Now what happens when the printers print it on light weight card stock.. you have a floppyyyy card *yaaay*. Ah well.. I am happy with the picture.. it actually makes me smile every time I see it. And I am not good and therefore don't really like water paint, but this was fun to paint..and now I think I like water paint..hehe

I know a few others were going to make some Eid cards this year. How did it go?? Hijabi Apprentice? *grin*
UmmLayla you going to get to see it :) insha'Allah.
I think I should start next years, this year ... and make them real cards! not pretty flop!
I actually managed to finish making an Eid card for this year!! Every year the idea comes and then I have no idea where it goes, but it leaves no print. I decided I wanted it a little different (because I like different!) so I went with a whimsical look (kind of).. which you never find for Eid greetings, and I decided to make it a Postcard. Now what happens when the printers print it on light weight card stock.. you have a floppyyyy card *yaaay*. Ah well.. I am happy with the picture.. it actually makes me smile every time I see it. And I am not good and therefore don't really like water paint, but this was fun to paint..and now I think I like water paint..hehe
I know a few others were going to make some Eid cards this year. How did it go?? Hijabi Apprentice? *grin*
UmmLayla you going to get to see it :) insha'Allah.
I think I should start next years, this year ... and make them real cards! not pretty flop!